Pinky Promise

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Fatima: I spent the last few days meditating medicating and praying about this situation. I had a right to be upset at you for lying to me, but I overreacted. I realize that you are not my ex, and I can't make my past issues with him become a current issue with you. I love you. I'm sorry.

Zachary: Baby I'm sorry about all this, I told myself I was protecting you but really I knew you wouldn't be down so I didn't tell you. I'm sorry, baby. I apologize that my actions hurt you. I love you more and missed you do fucking much. A nigga been sick without you.

Fatima: Babe I literally couldn't sleep without you. I've never felt so lost, I wanted to answer your calls but my ego wouldn't let me. Promise we will never go that long without speaking to each other ever again.

Zachary: Only if you promise to never say you hate me again. That's been playing in my head on repeat for 3 days.

Fatima: I promise.

I kisses her while stroking her hair. She starts to moan in my ear getting me excited ass fuck. In still hold her walking us both to the plush couch. She is on her back and I'm between her legs gently biting her neck and letting my hands explore her body. She is tugging on my pants trying to get my dick in her hands. Just as I started rubbing her clit my driver called.
I answered while sticking two fingers inside her. She arched up a little verbally and non verbally telling me she likes it.

Fatima:Ummmm Fuck, stop baby we gotta go.

Zachary: Fuck that, he can wait. All I need is 10 minutes.

Fatima: No babe, let's go. I got you tonight I promise.

Zachary: You bet not fall asleep on me, I swear you will wake up nailed to the cross.

Fatima: You promise?


Fatima: See that's the reason I'm popping plan B's now.

Zachary: You took the plan B?

Fatima: Yes, I told you I was going to.

Zachary: But I asked you not too, I thought we were on the same page.

Fatima: I told you I don't want kids.

Zachary: I told you to let whatever happens happen.

Fatima: Why are you getting upset?

Zachary: I'm not I just feel like you did it because you were upset with me and not because you don't want a kid.

Fatima: Zachary I didn't come here for this. I humbled myself and apologized, and now you're mad again. It's already done babe, can we move on. I missed you and I don't want to fight anymore.

Zachary took a deep breathe letting out a frustrated sigh before nodding his head in agreement. He called the driver and told him we were on our way down.

Zachary took our suitcases down to the blacked out Cadillac truck. After he got me and the luggage in the car he grabbed, kissed and squeezed telling me how happy he is that I'm going with him.

Tima is a social butterfly so of course she started making small talk with the driver. When he told her he was from San Juan Puerto her face lit up. "I've always wanted to visit there" she said to him. He kept saying how much she will enjoy it and suggesting food places she should try.

I immediately changed our flight to San Juan Puerto. Since I had her to myself for a few days I decided to take her where she really wanted to go. I shoot a few texts shifting business for a few days. I know she doesnt have beachwear packed but whatever she didn't have packed I would buy her once we got there.

Zachary waited until the driver was pulling up to the airport to tell me he switched the destination to San Juan. I was so excited, he got us first class seats and off we went.

Zachary could have had them flown in a private jet but he didn't want to scare her off with exactly how deep in the game he actually was.

We arrived at the hotel 6 hours later and I slept the last two hours laying in Zachary lap. He woke me up after tipping the driver, soon as we got to our room I took a shower while Zachary unpacked. He got in while I got dressed, I wanted to hit the beach asap! We were both on the same page because we knew us in the shower together would have tired us out after the long day of traveling we had.

Zachary wanted to eat first so we stopped at the restaurant connected to the hotel for dinner. The setting was romantic, very dimly lit with soft music playing overhead.

Fatima: I love this view baby. Thank you for bringing here.

Zachary: I love you.

Fatima: I love you more.

They spent the next hour planning how to spend the next couple days. Tima making it clear she needs to going shopping first this in the morning. She was fine wearing her cotton 2 peice short set to the beach tonight because it was dark and late and they wouldn't be there to long. She was ready to attend to her man as promised.

We walked about a total of 2 miles up and down the beach before sitting down to catch the beautiful sunset. Him holding me under the sunset made me fall deeper in love with him. 

Zachary: The sunset is almost as beautiful as you. I could sit here forever with you.

Fatima: Aww babe you're so sweet and so corny lol. I love you.

Zachary: I love you. Listen my bad about the discussion before we left. I was tripping.

Fatima: It's ok babe. I do feel we need to work on some things but I'm willing to put the effort in if you are.

Zachary: I'll do whatever for you and with you. Deadass. What can I do specifically?

Fatima: I think we both should pick one area at a time to work on. I'll work on my  attitude and you work on your temper. We pop off at each other quickly and I don't want a bickery relationship. I want to love loving you stress free and happy.

Zachary: I agree because you saying you hate me was wild.

I grabbed his face forcing eye contact he is trying to avoid giving me. "Hey I could never hate you, I didn't mean it."

Zachary: I know.

Fatima: Good. You tired?

Zachary:  No, why?

Fatima: You made me a promise.

Zachary: I did didn't I.

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