It's Handled

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I was calling for Danni to come on because she drove and I'm to big to be hopping out a car stopping a fight. Not to mention Zachary would absolutely loose his shit.

Frankie was hanging with Danni for a quick second until Danni flipped her over giving her multiple face shots. She got back in the car and pulled off, she was laughing off adrenaline. I was laughing because Frankie got her ass beat and I'm immature. We agreed not to tell the fellas what happend because niether one of us wanted to here that bullshit. We safe, they day is over and I miss my man.

Fatima was sitting in Zachary's bed making a finger crochet blanket for the baby when Zachary came sitting at the edge of the bed.

Zachary: Hey babe. Do you need anything? I'm heading out for a minute.

Fatima: No I'm good, how long are you going to be gone?

Zachary: Not too long, maybe an hour.

Fatima: Ok be safe and hurry back.

Zachary kissed her until she pulled away.

Fatima: I'm going to wait up for you, hurry up.

Zachary: You don't have to wait up, I'll wake you up when I get back.

Fatima: Ok, I love you Zachary.

Zachary: I love you Fatima.

Fatima woke up a few hours later seeing Zachary was still gone. She called his phone it rang one time then it was forwarded to voicemail. She called back again and it was do not disturb. She sat straight up in the bed determined to be awake when he got home.

At 1am she started to get hungry. She went to the kitchen to fix herself a smoothie. She didn't call Zachary anymore after he put his phone on DND. She knew he had to have a reason but it's hours later and anything could be happening.

At 1:46 am Zachary came walking through the door acting shocked to find her up watching true crime documentaries on YouTube.

Zachary: Hey babe, why are you still awake. I told you not to wait up, you ok?

Fatima: No I'm not fucking okay Zachary. You said an hour it's 2 o'clock in the fucking morning. Where were you and why did you forward me to voicemail Zachary?

Zachary: I was handling business and couldn't answer. I didn't call you back because I figured you were sleeping. I'm sorry I made you worry, let's go to bed.

Fatima: Where were you Zachary? You're location was turned off, why?

Zachary: I must have turned it off on accident. Calm down babe, that was my bad.

Fatima: Don't tell me to calm down when you are intentionally not answering my question. WHERE WERE YOU UNTIL 2AM IN THE FUCKING MORNING ZACHARY??

Zachary: Who you talking to? I said I was out handling business and that's what the fuck I was doing. I don't know who the fuck you yelling at.

Fatima: Oh so that's what we doing now? "Handling business" GOT IT!

Tima started walking toward the guest bedroom. Zac grabbed her by the arm pulling her towards him. He was nose to nose with her looking her directly in the eye.

Zachary: I said calm down! I'm sorry I didn't pick up and you were worried.I won't do that again. I understand you're upset but we don't sleep in separate rooms around here.

Fatima snatched away from him. "Let me go" she yelled. Oh we don't sleep in separate rooms but we leave our pregnant girlfriend to go only God knows where all hours of the night?

Zachary: I was out, I'm back and I'm safe. I'm not arguing with you about filling you in on shit you don't need to be concerned with.

Fatima: I'm really sick of playing the secret life of Zachary Taylor. I know you was at the strip club with some bitch eating lamb chops and shit. It's cool though, I promise you it's cool

Zachary: What's that supposed to mean?

Fatima: Whatever you want it to mean Zachary.

Zachary: You know what fuck it. I was at the strip club with a female but I wasn't on shit. I was handling business like I said. I couldn't answer because it was too loud and I really was busy. The female is one of my workers, I needed a dancer, someone on the inside.

Fatima:  Really? I don't even give a fuck anymore. The fucking nasty ass strip club Zachary? I need a minute.

Zachary: You're mad over nothing but I'm going to take a shower and give you a minute.

When Zachary got out the shower Fatima was asleep in the guest bedroom. Zachary chuckled at her stubbornness praying the trait didn't pass on to his son. He went climbed in bed next to her. She instinctively turned her body toward his allowing him to pull her close to him. She slept comfortably on his chest getting a few good hours of sleep.

Tima: I feel you starring at me, I'm still mad at you.

Zachary: I can't help it, you're so pretty to me. I know you're mad but you know I wasn't on bullshit.

Tima: I know that, I still don't like you were out somewhere so public giving everything that's going on. I was so worried.

Zachary: I understand that's one reason I didn't tell you, the other is I need to know you trust me. Do you trust me Tima?

Fatima: Yes

Zachary: But?

Fatima: No but, I trust you. I wouldn't be with you if I didn't. That doesn't mean I don't worry though. Can you see it from my view, I watched you almost kill a man yesterday. That was scary for me babe, then when you didn't answer for a quick second I thought someone had you. My mind just started racing all over the place. I don't like this part of your life that I don't know about but I also don't want to know because then it seems I'm okay with it. I'm not okay with it Zachary.

Zachary: I'm not okay with you being in danger. I not okay with you not wanting to move in with me. I'm not ok with you spasing out on me instead of listening to me. This bitch told you she was going to stomp my baby out of you and you thought I was going let my head hit the pillow without handling that? You know better.

Fatima: I do want to move in with you. I don't like that it was forced on me as if I'm an obligation. If I wasn't pregnant would you still want to move in together so soon?

Zachary: I don't know, why does it matter? I love you, I want to be in the same house with the woman I love baby or not.

Fatima: I love you too babe. So is everything handled? Can I get my man back uninterrupted for a little while?

Zachary: Yes. Business is handled and I'm always here babe. ALWAYS!

Fatima: Ok you sounding stalkerish now.

Zachary: Oh I'm definitely a stalker, you don't have to even worry. Now you got my baby it's 10x worse.

Fatima: You crazy!

Zachary: And Honest. We good now?

Fatima: Yeah but something happened that I didn't tell you about and now I'm just a little worried.

Zachary: About that Frankie shit? It's ALL handled babe.

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