Over it

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Wait...what. Why is she saying yes, wait maybe she didn't hear him. "No, he is asking if you're pregnant?" I say making a round motion with my hands.

She looks at me and again nods yes. I really didn't have time to respond before the doctors started explaining she had an asthma attack. They needed to get her hooked up to oxygen immediately to make sure her and the baby are breathing OK.

She was fine soon after getting the oxygen hooked up. They would have released her but they kept her a few more hours to make sure the baby was fine.

She was sitting in the hospital bed playing with her fingers out of nervousness waiting for an update. I was sitting in the chair across from her thinking about all type of shit I would have to wait until later to ask.

It all makes sense, the snapping, the tiredness, her weird appetite. That means she's known for awhile. I wonder how far along she is. We was just good 48hrs ago, how did we get here. I should've known by her meltdown at lunch that something was bothering her.

Everytime she looks at me tears fall, I wonder if it's guilt or sadness or anger. I know it looks bad but I'm not who she's convinced herself I am after one bad argument. She knows I want kids, why didn't she tell me? I do remember her saying all I want to do is fuck on her and get her pregnant with a baby she don't want. Damn she wasnt given gone tell a nigga. Yeah it's time to wrap this shit up, she colder than a muthafucka for this shit.

Fatima: I was going to tell you tonight after couples game night.

Zachary: Huh?

Fatima: I can see your wheels turning, I was originally planning to tell you tonight but after yesterday I didnt know what to do but I wasn't keeping it from you.

Zachary: It's cool.

Fatima: It's cool?

Zachary: Yeah I'm not tripping, hopefully my baby is ok. That's the only thing that matters right now.

Fatima: Zachary

Zachary: Fatima

Fatima: Thank you for getting me here so fast. I was really scared.

Zachary: It's cool, no thanks needed.

Fatima: Zachary uhm I

Zachary: What is it Fatima?

Fatima: Nothing nevermind.

Zachary: Good, whatever it is can wait until I hear about my child.

Fatima: Fuck you Zachary, don't dismiss me like that.

Zachary: It's been fuck me in your eyes so that's cool too. I just want to make sure my baby good and get you home. I truthfully don't give a fuck about nothing else right now.

Fatima: You can leave. I'll be ok alone, I'm used to it at this point.

Zachary: I know I can but I'm not going anywhere until I hear about my kid. Just bc you don't give a fuck don't mean I don't. Plus do you have your phone, car, keys, purse, money, ID, anything fucking thing? No you don't, so just relax after I get you home I will gladly leave.

Fatima: Yep right back to that thirsty bitch Gia huh? You was probably still fucking her the whole time we was together.

Zachary: Man go head with that shit, if I wanted to be with her I would and I could and you already know that. I told you I didn't fuck her and for the record I haven't fucked her at all since before we got together.

Her nigga work for me, I got business with that man. I was about meet him about business. When I saw you was at my house I told him to give me a minute. I didn't know she was with that man until you answered the call. It's sick how you really want me to be the villain in your made up stories. "All I want to do is fuck on you and get you pregnant with a baby you dont want!" Was you really gone abort my baby and not tell me like you did with that other nigga? Don't even answer that we both already know you don't want my baby, you don't have to state the obvious. I should've known when you stumbled over your words last week when I asked you to move in with me. It's clear to me now you been done. This doctor needs to hurry up.

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