Playing Games

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I was literally pulling her panties to her ankles when she ask if I had a child. I stopped immediately and sat up. I looked behind me to see what would make her ask. It was a picture on my family wall of Sienna and I 3 months ago at her 1st birthday party.

In the picture I have on a shirt that says "Daddy of the birthday girl". I was not trying to think about it. It hurt all over again. Not about Sienna because DNA proved I wasn't her dad but the baby she is pregnant with was planned.

Zachary: I don't want to talk about that right now.

Fatima: Huh, it's a simple question. You have yet to mention a child but I clearly see a child in this picture. Why didn't you mention you have a child Zachary. Is this recent, how old is she?

Zachary: You're not going to respect me saying I don't want to talk about it right now?

"Excuse me" I say pushing him off of me and looking for my clothes. Take me home, I'm ready to go.


"Because I'm ready to go home, that's why." I replied. "I'll be in the car." I grabbed my jacket and keys then walked out the door while he was putting his shirt back on.

I feel so stupid. I do not date men with kids under 5. It's a 99.999% chance they are still fucking they baby momma and I don't need the drama. Besides it's too fast anyway. I need to be completely alone for a minute.

Zachary: You not gone let me explain?

Fatima: I asked you three times, you didn't answer but now you want to explain? It's no need because it's not my business. Can you unlock the door and take me home.

About 15 minutes into the tense silent drive I pulled over for gas. "Do you want anything out the gas station?"


I ran in, paid and pumped the gas then got back on the highway. I tried to hold her hand but she snatched it away. She reached in her purse to power her phone back on.

She had several notifications from dm's text and voice-mails. I could see her going through pressing delete without reading or listening to the messages.

"I don't have kids" I say once the silence gets to loud.

Fatima: Okay

Zachary: Okay? Just ok?

Fatima: Yep just okay. Again it's not my business or concern.

Zachary: Is this how you treat all your friends?


When he turned the corner to my street I wanted to jump out the car and run in the house. It was meant for me to see that picture. I was about to make a huge mistake.

When he went to turn into my driveway I stopped it. "Zachary keep driving" I said nervously.

Zachary: What? Why?

Fatima: Because that's Corey's car in my driveway and I don't want to see him.

Zachary: Ok but why are you so nervous, this nigga hitting you?

Fatima: No Zachary, I'm not acting nervous, I just don't want to deal with him right now. Especially getting dropped off by you, it's just unnecessary drama.

Zachary: Ok well where you want me to  you?

Fatima: To Danni and Nikos house.

Zachary: Niko know this nigga got you scared to go home?

Fatima: I'm not scared, I just told you that.

Zachary: Fuck all that. I need a do over, let's go back to my house and I'll tell you about how I just found out a few hours ago that my child isn't mine.

Fatima: What, ok. Now tell me what happened.

He told me the story about how Gia told him at that birthday party she was expecting baby number 2. A few weeks later she confirmed it was a boy, Zachary told me about how he takes care of Sienna when Gia has her which is only 50% of the time. I felt horrible when he told me about their discussion today.

Fatima: I'm sorry I shut down on you, it's how I protect myself from awkward conversations. Are you sure you want to pursue something with me. I'm damaged Zachary,

Zachary: No you're not, and yes I'm sure.

Corey started calling me again, Zachary told me to answer it so I did.

Fatima: Why you keep calling me and why are you at my house.

Corey: Why you avoiding me. I miss you, I want us to go to counseling to fix us. Where are you, come home!

Fatima: No, you have said all this before, I'm really done this time Corey.

Corey: Fatima stop this, ill be here waiting for you. Click.

Zachary: Do I need to pay homeboy a visit?

Fatima: No, he will leave eventually.

We made it back to my house, but instead of picking up where we left off I kissed and cuddled her until she fell asleep. I then made the 40 minute drive back to her house to clear some shit up with old boy. I made it back to my house an hour later and she was still sleeping. I took a quick shower to get ole dudes blood off of me then pulled the covers back to climb into bed. That's when I discovered she was naked, completely naked. I spread her legs opened and kissed her soft pussy lips licking her clit getting her wet. She woke up and clamp her legs around my head.

I woke up mid orgasm, what the fuck is he doing to me. Omg I'm trying to wake up, recover and focus when  I feel the tip of his dick replacing his fingers pressing against my slippery opening.

Fatima: Fuckk baby wait, I'm cumming again.

Zachary: That's what I like to hear, you ready for this Zac attack?

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