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I stood there for a good three minutes processing him hanging up on me. I feel so dumb, used and DAMAGED.

I don't know why tears are falling down my face. My feelings are hurt but fuck these niggas. FUCK COREY. FUCK ZACHARY. FUCK THESE NIGGAS! I drank some wine, watched a movie then fell asleep.

I'm having a pretty good Monday and my spirits are high considering I was in one fight, two arguments and hung up on TWICE all within an hour.
I spent the morning at my Austell location, I'm usually here on Wednesdays but I'm going to visit my friend in Florida from Thursday to Sunday. I need to get away badly, I'm stressed the fuck out so Wednesday is going to be my self care day.

I turned my personal phone off last night, I'll turn it back on later. I truly don't want to be bothered. My Atlanta location closes at 8. I didn't get there until 4pm. My assistant told me Danni had was there for lunch. She left a message saying she'll call me later. I forgot it's mimosa Monday. I'm not even mad at Danni I just don't feel like talking.

I kept busy the rest of the day, I knew as soon as I stopped moving around I would start feeling.

I settled into a hot bubble bath with a pre-roll blunt before I finally turned my phone on.

Danni: Hoe you still mad?
Danni: We still on for Mimosas?
Danni: I'm on my way
Danni: Not you standing me up and not answering.
Danni: Bitch Tacos on you tomorrow.
Me: Tacos and Margaritas on me. Tomorrow 12:15pm El Torro 🌶
Danni: 👍🏽

Greg: Hey there. Just saying hey pretty lady.
Me: Bye Gregory #blocked

Zachary: Baby I'm sorry. I can explain.

Atleast Corey hasn't reached out or so I thought until the next morning he woke me up standing over me instead of my alarm.

Corey: T get up, we need to talk.

Fatima: Why are you here, what do you want, what happened to your face? Actually I dont care because wasn't it just fuck me?

Corey: You lucky that's all it was sending that nigga to come see about me, what the fuck is up with that?

Fatima: I don't have nothing to do with what you and Niko got going on. I don't even know how he found about us fighting the other week.

Corey: Oh so that's who sent that nigga over here, you fucking that nigga?

Fatima: Corey get out my house, all the shit you have done to me. All the shit you have put me through. The fact that you won't just do right? How dare you asked me if I'm fucking someone when you clearly are? Like why are you here?

Corey: I'm just trying to fix this, to fix us baby. I know we agreed to be done but we both know we belong together.

Fatima: Corey your not faithfull, you have a temper and I deal with all of that. All I asked was for you to be legit , and you won't so I'm sorry we are over.

Corey: Tima I'll quit ok, just take me back baby. We both have tempers, don't make it seem like I abuse you when you hit me first everything. Did you tell your brother thar?

Fatima: I didn't tell him anything because I don't know what you are talking about?

Corey: So the same nigga that was eye fucking on the 4th showed up here questioning me about my treatment of you. I swung on the nigga, we has a little scuffle and you telling me you don't know nothing about it?

Fatima: I don't. But I'm not sorry that happened to you. I find pleasure in knowing you hurt on the outside I do on the inside.

Corey: Whatever get dressed let's go.

Fatima: I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't trust you, I already beat the fuck out your sister and I'm not in the mood for another tussle.

Corey: It's going to be a tussle if I say get dressed one more time.

Fatima: That sounds like a threat, is it?

Corey: No Tima damn, you can't make some time for me?

Fatima: Corey please give me my key and go.

Corey: Look babe I can't keep doing this to you or me. It's not fair, if I leave I'm never coming back. We are DONE.

Fatima: Keep the key, the locks will be changed within the hour.

He left but now I'm curled up in my bed bawling like a baby. I love him, I want to be with him but I have to choose me. I just want this pain to stop.

I got showered and dressed before starting my day. I met Danni for lunch , well she met me because I was on my 2nd Margarita by 12.

Danni: Girl what the fuck happened?

Fatima: I was going to ask you because I'm lost as fuck.

Danni: The first I heard is when he ask you. After you hung up he said Zac passed the information to him. I thought you told Zac.

Fatima: Nah, Zachary and I was pillow talking the other night. I fell asleep in my clothes. I got hot and undressed. I notice Zac was gone but I didn't know he left. He woke me up at some point so he couldn't have been gone thar long. He also didn't look like he was in a fight so I don't know.

Danni: Niko said it's light out soon as he lay eyes on him. That nigga was hitting you?

Fatima: Nooooooo!! We was arguing and I took off on him, he snatched me. I pulled away. I'm not afraid of him and he don't beat it damn Danni. You think I'm a weak ass bitch or something?

Danni: No but niggas be jumping tough when they know a bitch in love with them the way you love him.

Fatima: True but nah friend, I'm good.

Danni: Speaking of friend, did you fuck your "friend" Zachary.

Fatima: I didn't want to talk about it but yeah and it was fucking amazing Daniella. But then he let his bitch  disrespect me and then he hurt my feelings so fuck him. Danni where you going?

Danni: He let that giraffe looking fish faced ass bitch do what?

Fatima: No Danni, it's cool. I'm cook but it's definitely fuck Zachary.

After lunch I went shopping for my trip tomorrow. I was excited to get away and not think for a few days.

I arrived in Florida and got all settled in my room. I immediately changed into my swimsuit to relax on the beach for a while before meeting my friend for dinner.

I was trying to relax in my Cabana but the men were on me. I finally rested my eyes enjoying the sun on my body when a shadow blocked the sun from my tan deprived thighs. I could feel the person staring at me. I knew it was Corey before I opened my eyes. I didn't know how but just know it's him. I opened my eyes and there stood Zachary.

Ok yall, now we a few chapters in what yall thoughts. Should Tima stay single, should she hear him out, she she give him another chance? Vote!

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