We good?

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Zachary: You look relaxed.

Fatima: I am. What's in that cup?

Zachary: Hennessey, what's in yours?

Fatima: Ginger ale.

Zachary: Ooh spicy.

Fatima: Ha ha, I see you're feeling good.

Zachary: I'm trying to make you feel good too. Take your clothes off.

Fatima: Baby I thought we were suppose to be talking.

Zachary: I am talking, I'm trying to talk you into letting me make love to you on this plane. I don't know if you how attractive you are carrying my baby. Umm, your lips are so soft. Kiss me.

Fatima: Babe, we have to talk.

Zachary: We will do plenty of talking. Take these off, I wanna see something.

Fatima: Baby focus.

Zachary: I'm focused on something else right now. Let me holla at Roxy for a little bit.

Zachary pulled her panties down and off her. She was laying with two pillows prop under her. He shifted her to the edge of the bed and gently kissed and licked on her clit. It was feeling so good she was grinding on his face but trying to move his head at the same time.

Her big belly gave him the advantage to hold her into position while giving her hard strokes. He ignored her plea's but listened carefully to her moans. He came immediately after she did during the first round.

Fatima: Omg babe, what if the pilot heard us.

Zachary was still laying on top of her, kissing and sucking on her.

Zachary: He didn't but so what if he did, this my plane and he's making enough money to mind his business. Now come here so I can finish what I started.

Fatima: No babe, stop.

Zachary propped himself on one elbow, the other hand squeezing her breast with his tongue going from her neck to her mouth.

Zachary: You want me to stop? Tell me to stop.

He fingers have found their way back to her clit. He is using two fingers going back and forth between rubbing her clit and fingering her.

Fatima reach for his dick pulling on it, a signal she wanted to suck on it.

Zachary: Tell me what you want.

Fatima: Give me my dick, I want to you to deep throat me daddy. Give it to me.

Zachary stood up a lean himself in her mouth. She grabbed the base of his dick twisting her hands in opposite directions. She took her time licking precum from his tip. He fed his man hood to her getting about 8 inch down her throat and holding it there. He then fucked her face until she gagged and choked.

That got him harder. He went from her mouth right into her pussy with no warning.

Fatima: Ahh babe slow down

Zachary: No move your hand, you thought it was a good idea to leave me? Huh?

Fatima: I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry.

Zachary: Thats how you do me, wait until I'm sleep, take my son and dissappear? You wanna leave me?

Fatima: No baby, I'm sorry I love you. I'm sorry.

He fucked the shit out of her for leaving him. She enjoyed every moment of it.

Fatima: That's how you feel?

Zachary: Yes, now we got that out the way how do you feel?

Fatima: If that's the dick I'm getting for leaving then I'll leaving every week.

Zachary: That's not funny babe

Fatima: I know, I'm kidding.

Zachary: Well seriously, are we going to be ok?

Fatima: Yes babe. I was hurt that I begged you to stay and you left. I feel like you will always pick another option over me and that my concerns are scoffed at.

Zachary: How would you have preferred me to handle to situation? Someone put your life in danger in front of me two days in a row, was I suppose to ignore that?

Fatima: No babe, I'm just saying whatever yall had to take care of could have waited when I'm literally begging you to stay. Do you understand you could have been killed babe?

Zachary: Yes, but that would never happen. So how do we move on from this?

Fatima: Babe I was wrong for leaving but I wasn't wrong for how I felt and you did disregard my feelings.

Zachary: I'm sorry babe, next time I'll make sure you good. I wont leave you upset, I know it's a trigger. Just like me waking up to you being gone was a trigger for me.

Fatima: No babe, next time I need you to stay, can you do that?

Zachary: Yes. Can you accept that I will never knowingly have my family in danger. Do you understand leaving isn't the solution unless that is the solution?

Fatima: It's not. I didn't know what else to do in the moment. I shouldn't have left. Are you more open to therapy?

Zachary: Not really but for you I will. I've been through therapy and so have you. We dont need to sit in front of a stranger discussing childhood trauma. We have each other. I think we need to stop in the moment and choose peace over chaos in the moment. I don't like how easy it  is for you to throw in the towel.

Fatima: It's not. I love you. I can't wait until the 3 of us are going on our first vacation. I don't want this family life without you baby. I don't like how you put your foot down then shut down my feelings.

Zachary: That's not my intention however going forward I'll be more mindful. I just need you to be good babe. I don't want to be on eggshells.

Fatima: We good babe.

Zachary: You sure, we good good?

Fatima: Yes, I'm sure. How much longer until this plane lands.

Zachary: One hour and 14 minutes, why?

Fatima: Can you cuddle me until we land.

Zachary: Hell yeah, bring that ass here.

Fatima: I said cuddle babe..cuddle!

Zachary: I heard you, I'm going to cuddle the fuck out you.

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