I'm sorry

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I left Zachary's house heading straight to Danni's. I broke down soon as she opened the door. Once Niko saw I wasn't physically hurt he left us alone.

Fatima: Why would he keep that from me knowing that's a deal breaker. I feel used Danni, I really thought he loved me.

Danni: Aww poo stop crying, he does love you. I'm not excusing him lying but he had to have a reason.

Fatima: Of course he did, he knows I wouldn't have given him any if my energy, he tricked me Danni. Like I hate him for that. I thought we had something real. He asked me to be his girlfriend just before this happened. I went from cloud 9 to getting my heart stomped on all in the same day. Why Danni, why can't I find a man to love me enough to be honest. It hurts so bad.

Danni: Fatima sis listen, he was wrong and there is no way around that. However do you really think he played you? Because I see the way he treats you and trust me it's love babe.

Fatima: For all I know all of that was apart of his act. Danni I don't know what to believe, I saw a different side of him tonight. He was mean and defensive just how Corey was when confronted on his shit. I can't do this again. I won't no matter how much it hurts. You see what happened to my dad, hell look at Niko. I don't want this life, I'm willing to compromise on anything else but not this. I was considering having  a baby for this man and he fucking lied to me.

Danni: First not to much on my man and baby..uhm what?

Fatima: Keep it a buck Danni, Niko is a killer out here. They fear him, and he really never has a chance to be anything else because of how my daddy raised him. I love him and thanks to you were much more closer than we were but the facts are the facts and I'm sure Niko would tell you himself he wasn't given the chance to be anything more than hid daddies son.

Danni: I see you're point I guess but a baby?

Fatima: Yeah we slipped up and he asked me not to take a plan B. But I promise I'm taking two of them.

Danni: Timaaa you really love him, maybe you should just take a day or two to think about your next move. I think it's fixable friend.

Fatima: It's not but I appreciate you for listening, I'm going to go home now.

Niko: Hey sis before you leave I'm not in your business but you know Z solid. He ain't that other pussy nigga. You don't have to look over your shoulders with him, for what its worth had he not told you you would have never known because of the way he move. He is not Daddy. Give the nigga a chance, shit  you deserve it.

Fatima: I hear you.

I made it home. I took a shower and laid down. I couldn't eat or stop my mind from racing. I just laid starring at the wall until about 2am when I remembered to take the plan B pill I purchased after I left Danni. I took the pill with a swig of water and laid down before tears started up again.

At 4am I was still lying awake, the truth was I couldn't sleep without him. Usually I'd be snuggled under him, or laying on his chest while he rubbed my back. This isn't fair. I FaceTimed him at 4:15 am. When he answered I broke down.

Zachary: I'm sorry.

Fatima: I hate you for this Zachary I really do.

Zachary: Don't say that baby, please don't hate me.

Fatima: Why Zachary, why wait 3 months to tell me?

Zachary: Babe I didn't think you would give me a fair chance from the beginning. I was wrong and seeing you hurt is single handly my biggest regret.

Fatima: I don't know the real you and I don't trust myself enough to try to. I gave you all of me. The good the bad and the ugly and you were lying the whole time. I can't forgive that Zachary.

Zachary: So that's it, I make one mistake and you're done. So a nigga got be perfect for you to love me, are you perfect?

Fatima: No but I'm also not a liar, I never lied to you. I kept it 100 even when I didn't want to because for me honesty and respect go hand in hand.

Zachary: You didn't lie but you didn't tell a nigga the whole truth either. You think I don't know about you having an abortion by that nigga after we was fucking around?

Fatima: Zachary how did you know about that? That's my personal business, it had nothing to do with you or us. You're a liar and a asshole, fuck you Zachary.

Zachary: I'm not trying to be an asshole babe, I'm simply pointing out that we both kept things from each other that we shouldn't have. Can we agree on that?

Fatima: No, because me having an abortion from my ex fiancée is none of your business. I wouldn't have ever told you because that's not information you need to know. However you being a drug lord possibly putting my life in danger is something I definitely should've known from day one. Especially since the only reason I'm not with Corey is because of him being involved with the street life.

Zachary: What the fuck are you saying Fatima? That's the only reason, so fuck the fact he treated you like shit, stalked you and put hands on you more than once but you telling me the only reason you not with him is because of his career. That's bullshit, you like niggas controlling you,.cheating and shit.

Fatima: No I like niggas who can be real about who they are, was it pretty no but atleast he was fucking honest unlike you. He didn't manipulate me into falling in love with you. I went in eyes wide open. I own my shit, can you?

Zachary: I'm trying to now, you got your walls up. You not hearing me out.

Fatima: Because Zachary I don't want to hear another lie. I love you and my heart is aching. I'm looking for answers but your flipping it back on me.

Zachary: Baby I'm sorry, I hate to see you cry. Let me fix it, can I come hold you babe, can we please figure this out?

Fatima: Zachary it's not that simple

Zachary: It can be.

Fatima: I need time to figure this out, I'll talk to you later.

Zachary: Ti


A few days have gone by with zero communication between the two. Zachary decided to leave it alone until after his trip to insure he gives her the space she requested. Fatima has went radio silent with everyone, except her therapist and God. She missed him terribly and she does want to be with him. She wasn't going to make him choose as she has already lost one fiancée giving ultimatum.

Zachary was pleased when Fatima showed up at his door Sunday morning bags packed ready for there trip. Zachary dropped his bags and picked her up all in one motion.

Zachary:  Oh I missed you so fucking much! What are you doing here?

Fatima: I'm here to spend some quality time with the man I love if he will have me. I owe him an apology and I couldn't wait another day to say I'm sorry.

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