Zachary and Corey

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I still don't know how everything happened so quickly. I hadn't seen Corey since we called off our engagement. I have no idea why he is here and how he could possibly believe I'm carrying his child. In my hesitation of trying to figure it out Zachary was connecting his own dots.

From his point of view all he saw was Corey's hand reaching to touch my belly. He was laser focused on Corey. I'm not making excuses for him but I don't think he realized I was trying to step back at the exact moment he went to pull me out of the way.

Zachary snatched me back so hard I stumbled a little which set Corey off, he charged at Zachary and the next thing I know they were fighting breaking up all my shit. I was yelling for both of them to stop but niether was listening.

Zachary was getting the best of Corey, I know Corey well enough to know he loves pulling out his weak ass gun. I had to think quick but protect my baby. I kept yelling for Zachary to let him go until I finally was able to stand over Corey blocking Zachary from delivering anymore blows to his face.

In a voice I didn't recognize Zachary commanded me to move out the way and I did just that. However I still maintained control of the room by reminding him that I literally don't have the energy for this.

Zachary: Get up and get the fuck out my house. You lucky I'm letting you leave alive nigga.

Corey turned to me with hate in his eyes before responding.

Corey: Yo dig this I bought this house for her, this my shit and I'm not going no fucking where until I find out why you hiding pregnancies. You think shit sweet?

I partially stepped infront of Zachary trying to calm him down at the same time responding to this bullshit Corey is talking about.

Fatima: What the fuck are you talking about. This is not your child you abusive fucking pyscho. You got what you came here for now leave before that's not an option.

I was doing my best to hold Zachary back, I knew if they went at it again the police would have to be called and with two street niggas the police just isn't an option.

Corey: You think I'm stupid or are you dumb enough to think I wouldn't find out. I don't know what you told this nigga but according to my math that's my baby?

Fatima: This is NOT your baby, now please get the fuck Corey. I'm serious.

Zachary: You might as well stay you a deadman at this point anyway and thats on MY son bitch ass nigga

Corey: Play boy, you must not know who the fuck I am. Fatima you know I'll shoot this nigga right fucking here, you better ask her about me.

Zachary looked at Corey and laughed in his face before turning to walk away.

Zachary: Bae see your little friend out then bring me my breakfast. COREY JEROME SMITH JR I hope those are the clothes you want your body identified in, you'll be floating in river by sun down.

Fatima: Corey this is not your baby, you need to leave because I guarantee you he is a man of his word.

Corey: As am I so how you 9 months pregnant, we broke up 9 months ago but that's not my kid. Explain that?

Fatima: I killed your baby and got pregnant with his 2.5 months later. Oh I remember mathematics isnt your thing but he and I have been together almost 9 months, I left you for him and now I'm about to have his baby in TWO months. Now please leave before comes back bc he is definitely coming back.

Corey: If I find out you lying you and that nigga dead.

Zachary said nothing at all, he entered the kitchen the same way he left way a few moments prior with an ak-47 pointed right at Corey's temple.

Zachary: Say one word and I'll blast yo ass before the end of your sentence.

Corey put his hands up surrendering as he turned around and left. I knew right then a war was just started.

Fatima: OMG ZACHARY you could have killed him.

Zachary: No shit, the only reason I didn't shoot his ass is because my son don't need to hear all that commotion. It don't matter because he'll be dead in the next 24 yours anyway.

Fatima: No Zachary, I'm not letting do that.

Zachary: I wasn't asking permission, that nigga is dead. Is breakfast ready?

He ate breakfast while I showered, seeing him with that gun in hand scared the literal piss out of me.

Zachary came upstairs not even 30 minutes later pulling the curtain back.

Zachary: You ok?

Fatima: I'm ok

Zachary: You sure?

Fatima: I'm sure, but babe please don't kill him. I'm begging you please

Zachary: Ti baby, you're standing here naked pregnant with my child asking me to spare a man's life who brought chaos to your front door. How do you think that makes me feel?

Fatima: I get it babe, but I don't want you to do anything that might keep you away from me. We're about to be first time parents, please don't do it babe. What if you get caught or worse what if he kills you. Do you know what that would do to me, how would I go on? Baby please don't do anything please Zachary.

Zachary: Calm down and listen to me. I will never do anything to be in a situation where I'm away from you. We're going to grow old and gray together with a bunch of kids and grandkids. With that being said this man showed up to your house first before 9am and I know had I not been here you would've be vulnerable. As a man that's simply something I won't allow. Can't you understand that, ny life, your life and my son life could be in danger.

Fatima: I understand I do but I'm scared baby. My father spent most of my life in jail and I just don't want that for him. It's not fair, atleast promise me you'll wait to do anything until after I give birth, hopefully shit will die down by then.

Zachary: I put an AK to his face, he left right out of here trying to get me murdered upon leaving the house. Babe I wasn't going to tell you this because my I keep my business separate for a reason but buddy is already dead.

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