Baby Blues

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Fatima: Why you cheesing so hard?

Zachary: It didn't hit me until today, I'm really about to be a daddy. I can't fucking wait to be a dad. 

Fatima: Aww baby, I can't wait for you to be a dad either. I admire how confident you are, like you already know you're about to kill this daddy shit.

Zachary: Shit we both are, you're going to be a fantastic wife and mother to my kids.

Fatima:  Wife? You see us getting married?

Zachary: Yes,  don't you?

Fatima: I never really thought about it, after my last situation I don't know if I'm ready. I was so so ready before but God kept blocking it. Maybe that's not my story. I am going to be the absolute best mom I can be to this baby but not them other ones you keep trying to manifest. One and done my guy!

Zachary: God blocked it because you was in love with a sucka, just like he denied me kids with a sucka. But now we sucka free baby.

Fatima: You're so silly. Can we stop by my moms I want to tell her I'm pregnant now that it's official.

Zachary: Yes, let's stop at the deli first I'm hungry and I know my baby is.

We pulled up to my mom's house to find Cane riding his Spiderman bike up and down the driveway while my mom is getting some shade sitting in her porch swing drinking lemonade.

Monet: Well look what the wind done blew in, I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays.

Fatima: Ma we talk all the time.

Monet: I said I haven't seen you, it's a difference.

Monet: Hey son, what's you been up to besides spoling my grand baby. All he talk about is uncle Zac this and uncle Zac that.

Zachary: Hey Ma, that's my little man.

Monet: Uhm hmm, that's until my baby has this rock head son she pregnant with.

Fatima: Maaaa omg how did you know?

Monet: You're going to find out soon enough. A mother always knows.

Fatima: But how did you know it was a boy?

Monet: Every first born child in this family is a boy, that and I can tell by the way Zachary glowing about his jr.  Now make me some of your famous lemonade before you leave, Zach doesn't mind watching Cane for a minute while I help you. Do you son?

Zachary: Of course not, take yall time.

Fatima: Very suttle mommy. Are you happy Mommy?

Monet: I'm beyond happy, I'm so proud of you baby. Zachary loves you, you got a good man and provider in him. I know you're afraid baby but don't be, you're a natural you will be an excellent mother.  I know I didn't give you the best family structure and I know that's the root cause of a lot of your fear. For your son and yourself I need you to let that hurt go baby. I am overjoyed. My baby is having a baby!

Fatima: Aww mommy, that's exactly what I needed to hear. I'm so scared I'm going to mess this up. It's the first time I've been really happy ever. I love Zachary so much. I want to have all his babies, and I pray to be half the mom you are.

After they left Monets house they went shopping, they were suppose to be putting things on a registry but Zachary purchased everything she touched. Cane tagged along causing Zachary to blow another bag on toys and games. He loved this family shit. The trio finished the day at the sugar factory per Canes request.

Cane: TT you're having a new baby?

Tima: Yep, you're going to be a big cousin. Are you excited?

Cane: Yes but how are you going to have a baby if you live by yourself?

Fatima: What do you mean nephewson?

Cane: Well at home I have my mommy and daddy Derek. At daddy's house is daddy and momma Danni will you and uncle Zac live together now?

Fatima: Zachary did you put him up to this?

Zachary: Nope he asked me, I told him that was all your decision.

Fatima: Baby not all parents love together, all families kook different. However I am moving in with uncle Zachary very soon so you don't have to worry about it ok munchkin.

Cane: Ok TT, uncle Z now can I have money for roblox?

Zachary: Boy let me take you home, you about to bankrupt me.

Back at Zachary's house Fatima was laying on the couch with Zachary laying between her thighs. They was watching one of his favorite movies menace to society. It was at the part where the main character let the little boy hold the gun.

Fatima: I bet you and Niko was bad influences just like that.

Zachary: Hell yeah we was, was worse. But I went through it so my son won't have too. He is going to be a stand guy, honest, hardworking man.

Fatima: Just like his daddy, those are all qualities I love about you babe.

Zachary: You better chill with the compliments before I have you cumming from back shots all over this livingroom.

Fatima push his head out her lap, she crawled over to his end of the couch pecking his lips delivering compliments between each kiss.

Fatima: Zachary.

Zachary: Fatima.

Fatima I kiss want kiss you kiss to kiss kiss kiss

Zachary: Yes baby what, fuck whatever it is yes.

Fatima slowly licked and sucked on his earlobe before whispering seductively: Can you go get me some chic Fila.

Zachary: You're so full of shit.

Fatima: I'm sorry I had to, but I got something for you when you get back.

Zachary: Shit order that shit through doordash and let me get whatever you got for me.

Fatima: Zachary please your son wants a strawberry frozen ice cream lemonade.

Zachary: Man I'll be back, after you get your desert I want mine too.

Fatima: I got you baby daddy.

This was a little filler chapter since yall been showing out with the likes comments and feedback! Vote/Comment  💙

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