Disastrous Dinner

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Fatima: Handled? How did you know?

Zachary: How did you know I was at the strip club?

Fatima: I have my sources.

Zachary: As do I.

Fatima: Touché so by handled you mean?

Zachary: I mean no longer an issue.

Fatima: Okay. Good. That's that on that. Can you hold the baby for a minute, I need a break.

Zachary helped her over to his full length mirror. He stood behind her kissing her neck rubbing her belly. He looked at her through the mirror as he held her belly up to give her some relief.

He held her stomach while speaking affirmations to her reminding her how beautiful, strong, and powerful she is. He told his son about how he is looking forward to fatherhood, how much he loves him and how blessed they are to be his parents.

Zachary then laid Fatima down oiling her belly with coco butter then gave her a foot massage until it was time for them to head out to their check up for the baby.

The doctor advised everything is going well, still no concerns. She is just carrying a big baby but health wise she and the baby are great.

After they left the doctors office Zachary stopped at the bank to make a deposit. Fatima decided to stay in the car, she was noticing the customers coming in and out but not paying super close attention. For some reason she noticed the blacked out blazer that parked next to them. Mostly because the driver had on a all black down to his jewelry and sunglasses.

Zacharys truck is also blacked with full tents including windshield which the man noticed. For whatever reason Tima felt anxious even though the man couldn't see her. Luckily Zachary came out about 2 minutes later before she started texting him.

Zachary: Babe what's wrong?

Fatima: I don't know, I have a bad feeling.

Zachary: About what?

Fatima: I don't know babe but something. I thought that man followed you to the bank. I guess I'm just paranoid.

Zachary: What man? Paranoid about what?

Fatima: That man who just pulled off in that blazer and I don't know. I guess from yesterday.

Zachary: Babe we good okay, I promise. You gotta relax before you scare my baby boy. What do you want to eat and please don't say pizza. I'm tired of pizza.

Fatima: Baked Chicken parmesan with 5 cheese garlic bread.

Zachary: Tima, that's from the pizza spot. You might as well get pizza.

Fatima: But its a completely different dish and that's what I have a taste for.

Zachary: Fine but you not about to turn around and have the same shit for dinner.

Fatima: Yes Boss

Zachary: Not funny, but seriously are you ok now?

Fatima: I am, babe can we go on a vacation before the baby comes?

Zachary: Sure, we can go in the next two weeks. Where did you have in mind?

Fatima: Anywhere, I just want to be near some water relaxing with my man.

Zachary: I can make that happen.

Fatima: Thank you baby, I love you.

Zachary: I love you too thickems

Fatima: Why do you think that's a cute nickname?

Zachary: Because it is and it fits, you my thickems. You ready to head back home? We need to get ready for tonight and I need to call the movers for your spot.

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