A Beautiful Mess

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Fatima: Bitch peep the scene. So we at the kick back kick-backing and everything is going good. It's no weird energy between Zachary and I. I'm chitchatting with a few people he is as well. Dewayne and Nene done figured out we fucked, fucking or go fuck soon.

Girl, the DJ played Back that Ass Up and you know I just started throwing my shit every which way. So of course a big fine man got behind me, not even on no disrespectful shit. Next thing I know I feel several sets of eyes on me.

Buddy looked at his phone then up at Zachary, looked back at me and just walked away.

Danni: Girl why, what Zachary done did?

Fatima: Girl nothing. He was just looking at me he never said a word. It was like he was reading my mind.

Girl then he finally walked over to me, he touched my hair before running his hand down my back and over my ass pulling me into him.

Fatima: You smell nice, but why you cock blocking me sir?

Zachary: I did nothing of the sort, I simply asked him if I could get a second alone with my lady.

Fatima: Your lady huh, that's pretty bold.  Are you sure that's me?

Zachary: I'm positive. Might not be true now but it will be soon enough. I'm about to head out, can I have you for breakfast I mean take you out to breakfast in the morning?

Fatima: Leaving so soon?

Zachary: Not yet, just trying to borrow a little of your time before you disappear on me.

Fatima: Me, dissappear? Now Zachary  you know thats not my style sir. I don't disappear, I just step away from time to time.

Zachary: Would you like to disappear with me...right now?

Danni: Ooh Bitch this is getting good, I already you said no with your scary ass.

Fatima: Quit acting like you know me Hoe, even though you right lol. I had to stand on business atleast for the night.

Danni:  Yeah yeah jump to the good part.

Fatima: So fast forward to 11:30 I hop out the shower, lotion up to lay down. I wanted to be rested for my last day plus I had agreed to breakfast. I get all comfy in bed and can't sleep for shit.

Danni: Uhm hmm. We know why.

Fatima: Dannnnniii!

Danni: My bad my bad!

Fatima: So soon as I was almost asleep Roxy said "Text him NOW"

Danni: Uhm blame Roxy huh

Fatima: Friend, I swear she got a mind of her own. Anyway now it's 12:45am this is officially insomnia. I decided to ignore Roxy and go have a night cap. When I walked again I could see a group of three females, two hyping the one up to go introduce herself to the man sitting alone tucked in the corner. They immediately saw me as "competition" silly rabbits.

Anyway I glance over to see Zachary about half way through a double shot of Hennessey. I walked over took the shot out his hand a finished it. He smiled a semi drunk smiled showing all 32 pearly whites.

I did a twirl in the short LITTLE satin dress I threw on. He stood up, put a tip down then grabbed my hand and lead me out. I made sure to wink at the ladies on my way out.

He tongued me down in the corner of the elevator not caring that it was SEVERAL people in there. I was getting weaker and wetter. That was elevator was taking to long to get to the 42nd floor. I wanted to get off on my floor but I also wanted to fuck under that 360 penthouse view.

Danni: I know that's right!

He picked me up and swiped his keyboard at the same time. This man carried me down that ass hall way before laying me down and literally made love to me. Like had me gone gone, I forgot good dick and Hennessey go hand in hand.

Danni: You a damn fool

Fatima: Dang Danni is on his way down here to take me to brunch, after me and Nene are going shopping but I'll call you before I go to the airport.

Danni: Ok boo, tell him I said hey.

Zac walked in and immediately pulled her into him, he had flowers in one hand and her in the other. He didn't want to let her go, she didn't want him to.

Zachary: mmm baby, you looking stunning. Are you ready?

Fatima: Thank you baby,I'm ready I'm starving.

Zachary: Me too but not for brunch. I can go for another serving of that Tima special.

Fatima: Zachary

Zachary: Fatima

Fatima: No sir, feed me please. You literally kept me up all night. I'm barely awake.

Zachary: I think we kept each other up.

Fatima: Agreed. Now feed me.

Zachary took Fatima to brunch. Nene and Dwayne met up with them. The girls decided instead of shopping they would do a date day. They still managed to have the fellas blow a bag a with the little shopping they did do.

Fatima flight left at 7pm it was currently 4:00. They said there goodbyes and Fatima went back to her room to pack and to try to get a nap in.

Fatima made it home safely, by 10pm she was unpacked pouring a glass of wine about to call Danni to tell her the tea. She grabbed her phone when a text came through telling her to open the door.

It was Zachary with more flowers and a duffle bag. He sat the bag down, pick her up and they got right back to it.

Okay yall vote, comment, and know what goes up must come down!

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