Fuck Therapy

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Just before the sun came up Zachary heard a noise causing him to jump up out his sleep. He grabbed his gun and crept downstairs. He was hoping to get a clean shot of whoever had the balls to break into his house with his pregnant  girlfriend sleeping upstairs.

Zachary, it's me, babe. I didn't mean to wake you. I needed some air, I didn't mean to scare you.

Zachary: It's fine, are you okay?

Fatima: Yes, I woke up feeling claustrophobic and nauseous. I just needed to step outside for a minute. I good now, I'm going to grab some juice and head back upstairs to bed.

Zachary: I'll get it for you, are you hungry? I can make you and bacon egg/cheese on a everything bagel?

Fatima: Yesssssssss babe that sounds so good right now, can you put extra..

Zachary: Extra ice in your juice, I already got you.

Fatima: Thank you.

Zachary: Babe, these last couple days have been stressful as fuck. Can we work this shit out now because I definitely didn't have you popping up tonight on my bingo card although I'm glad you did.

Fatima: I can tell how "glad" you were a few hours ago. But popping up? I practically live here Zachary.

Zachary: Not for the past two nights though, I'm just saying it seems easy for you to give up on us, you're separating yourself from me and I don't like it.

Fatima: It's not easy, it's actually really hard and I don't like it either . I'm just used to it so I go with it but I don't like it.

Zachary: So why you keep doing it? I mean why punish both of us instead of communicating your feelings?

Fatima: I don't know. I mean I feel like you don't really hear me. I feel like I'm saying the same thing repeatedly and you're still gone so why bother. Also when we are with each other I don't want to spend that time arguing.

Zachary: I can respect that, and I apologize if you feel like I didn't hear you. I did, I just didn't see a resolution at the time. I hear you now, and I'll handle it.

Fatima: Handle it  how babe?

Zachary: I'm not quite sure yet, but it doesn't matter how many times I tell you that you are my priority you still don't believe it so I'll do my best to show you more.

Fatima: I do believe it baby, I told you when we first got together that I was damaged. I don't know how to explain it but I know you put me first baby. You do show me, little things like you coming home because I missed you, random day dates, weekly flowers or you knowing me so well you knew I needed help without me saying it. You kept me calm not knowing I was fearing losing our baby.

Besides your schedule, my only other issue is sometimes you're controlling and you're mean to me when I say no or disagree with you. That I can say  but I honestly can't say you don't put me first.

Zachary: I don't want to control you. I feel I don't ask or request much from you so when I do I don't understand why you would deny my request. I'll work on it. You're food will be ready in 5 minutes, you still feeling ok?

Fatima: I'm ok.

Zachary: Don't get quiet on me babe, what else is bothering you. We need to get it all out. Because I swear I thought we was good then shit exploded.

Fatima: We are good babe but I was thinking we should talk to a therapist?

Zachary: Therapy, hell no we don't need therapy. It's nothing wrong with us.

Fatima: So then what babe because we're fragile right now. Why not therapy?

Zachary: That's for married people who were tired of each other after years. We haven't been together long enough to need therapy have we?  We can work it out or walk away and we'll both be ok.

Fatima: I hate when you say shit like that. You could walk from me?  From us? If so what's the point, why bring a baby into a situation you don't want to fight for? I don't want to raise a baby alone but I also don't want to be in an unhappy relationship. I feel unsecure in this relationship when you say stuff like that Zachary.

Zachary refilled her juice before sliding her breakfast to her. He walked closer as she turned the swivel stool to keep eye contact with him. He put his forehead against her making sure she was listening and hearing him. With his thumb he wipes away the tears that were now falling at a fast rate.

Zachary: I didn't mean it like that. No I couldn't never walk away from you or my child. I just meant if we ever did decide to separate at some point we would be ok. I say that because you're my best friend and you will ALWAYS be in my life regardless of having my kids. Where did all this start from, is it the baby or are you really unhappy?

Fatima: I'm not unhappy. I'm extremely happy when you're here. I feel like I get all of you. But when you're gone I'm unhappy. It feel like were living separate lives for a week out of each month. Being apart stresses me out, doubt starts to creep in. That's why I want to talk to a therapist, I feel like I'm ruining my own happiness sometimes and other times I feel like it's worth the argument to speak my mind.

Zachary: You do know you can do both right? I would actually prefer if you did instead of holding in then exploding when your fed up. If you think couples therapy will help then sign me up.

Fatima: Thank you baby, one more thing.

Zachary: Yes my love.

Fatima: Whatever business you got tied to Gia or her people end it.

Zachary: Done. But do you really think I would fuck over you like that?

Fatima: No I know you wouldn't and I niether would I however you have history with her and out of respect I would like you to cut all ties.

Zachary: No problem, we good?

Fatima: We good! I'm ready to go back to bed now.

                 ONE MONTH LATER

Fatima: Fuck baby, I'm cumming baby please fuckkk.

Zachary: This pussy so good, fuck baby I'm right behind you. Give it to be baby.

Fatima: ahhh ah ah ah fuckkk baby you feel so good. Fuckkk I can't baby ahhhhh

Zachary: Fuck Tima, stop playing baby fuckkk in gone buss.. ahh got damn.

Fatima: Omg babe, now we're going to be late, I have to get ready all over again.

Zachary: I'm sorry baby but you looked so fucking sexy and that ass was looking too thick in that dress I couldn't help myself.

Fatima: Yeah this baby is curving me out, that's why I think it's a girl.

Zachary: That's my son you're carrying, my baby girl next though.

Fatima: I'm going to ignore thar second part but weather it's a boy or a girl it's about to be spoiled rotten because I'm one and done baby.

Over the past month we tried therapy but it wasn't for us. We saw more value in putting or shit on table and handling it head on. Zachary keeps his business completely separated from our relationship and I learned to say what I feel in live time.

I'm still nervous about actually having a baby but I also no longer feel trapped like I did when I first found out. Today we find out the gender and I can't for Zachary too me me shopping for my kid immediately after.

Nurse: This jelly might be a little cold, oh look your baby is posing g for yall.

Awww say hello to your _______ It's a _____!

Ok yall what yall think a boy OR a girl because sis not having twins.

What yall think about the talk, will they be good now?

Dont forget to VOTE & Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸

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