Hey old Friend

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Gia and another female walked into my office with fake smiles and fake energy. I noticed her noticing my ring, I also noticed she didn't have one.

Crystal: How can I help you?

Gia: Fatima this is my sister Leyla, we wanted to book a luxury spa session tomorrow at 4pm.

Crystal: What's you're name again?

Gia: Gianna you can call me Gia.

Crystal: So Gianna, this is my manager Kate she handles all scheduling. How did you hear about us?

Leyla: Zac referred us. He said we should speak with you directly. We didn't think it would be a problem considering yall are "old friends" right?

Crystal: For Zachary it's not a problem, for ANYONE else my staff is fully capable of assisting you. However this time I'll make an exception on behalf of Zachary of course. Kate will assist you from here, please send Zachary my love.

I had Kate book there appointment for tomorrow and left. I went home to change into something more comfortable before continuing on with my day. I run 4 businesses, I'm in business school, and I'm engaged. I love my life although sometimes I wish I had a moment to enjoy the life I've worked so hard to build.

I'm about to get a quick workout in before I do my weekly household shopping. Corey called me while I was on the pelaton, I've been ignoring him but I'm sick of being mad. I miss him.

Fatima: Hello

Corey: Hey babe, where you at?

Fatima: I'm at home working out, where are you?

Corey: I'm on my way to you, ill be there in a hour.

Fatima: Ok

An hour later he is walking through the door looking like new money. His dark skin and pearly whites get me every time. What was I even mad about?

"Here," he said handing me a bouquet of flowers, a stack of money and a oatmilk double shot espresso from Starbucks.

Fatima:Thank you but I'm still mad at you.

Corey:I know baby, and I'm sorry. That's no way for your future husband to behave. Please forgive me I love you.

Fatima:I'll think about it. You know I hate when you hang up on me. When we have disagreements you force me to hear you then shut me out. You made be cry, I'm getting married I'm supposed to be happy.

Corey: I'm apologizing for that. I'm sorry I made you cry but it's not 100% my fault. You know how this shit goes so why even upset yourself?

Fatima: Are you serious right now?

Corey: Yes I am. Do you want to hear me nagging you about working to much, and going out to much. You don't know how to sit in the house. Do I say shit about it? No because you're grown and you would tune it out anyway.

Fatima: You're turning this around on me? I would happily stay at home if my man was there waiting for me. YOU'RE NEVER HERE!! When you are it's only because you're "laying low" for a few days. What's really going on? I should be able to express myself to you. Why can't I communicate my feelings to you?

Corey: Because you're only saying that shit to manipulate me into quitting my job and I'm not doing it so I don't want to hear it.

Fatima: Wait, you said you would in a year. You know what? I'm not even about to play with you. We're not getting married until you do! I'm not bending on that.

Corey: We're not pushing the wedding back again Fatima. Fuck that, people already blaming me for us pushing back the first two times.

Fatima: They should, it's your fault. It you don't want to push the wedding back then you need to quit your job early. Figure it out!

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