Party Time

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His lips on mine feel like heaven. His tongue tastes like the sweetest mix of honey, Hennessey, and courage. I can tell by this kiss this man is attentive in the bedroom. I instinctively but gently pull him closer while rubbing the back of his head and neck. I moaned a little before we both heard Danni and bust out laughing.

Danni: Dammnn Zachary, that's a hell of an entrance.

My bad. Happy 30th Big Dawg!! I didn't know if you drank dark or clear so I bought both, and yes it's money in the card.

Danni: You alright with me Zachary. I see you don't got Kia sportage on your hip tonight and judging by the way you trying to taste Tima's breakfast something telling me I shouldn't see her going forward.

I looked at Fatima who was starring back at me. She looked beautiful dressed simply in a salmon colored fitted dress that had a slit that ran up her right thigh. Damn I wish I was that slit. Anyway, whatever is in that red cup got her right. I looked back at Danni "Nah I'm trying to be on Tima's hip" Danni and Tima started laughing. Tima was about to reply when her eyes locked with dude standing next to me.

Dre: Hey Fatima, Sorry I was running a little late. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Fatima: Not at all, Greg this is my God sis Danni the birthday girl and this is my old friend Zachary. Guys this is my date Gregory.

Danni: Nice to meet you Greg, the food and liquor is to the left and the dance floor is to the right. Yall enjoy, I'll be here there and everywhere if you need anything.

Zachary and Greg are standing here having small talk as if that kiss doesn't have me googie in the middle of my thong. This casamigos got me ready to take Zachary to Micasa. Zachary was smooth and I like smooth, he talked to Greg for about 5 min before he disappeared into the crowd.

Greg: You look beautiful.

Fatima: Thank you, you look nice too. Are you hungry or would you like a drink?

Greg: No thank you, it's a lot of people here. How long until I can get some one on one time with you?

I lifted my red cup to my glossy lips taking a seductive sip as I look right passed him at Zachary who's over in the corner with his conversation on Niko but eyes on me.

Fatima: It's a party, it's suppose to be a lot of people isn't it. Besides you just got here, you're ready to leave already?

Greg: I am if you are, you look ready to me.

Fatima: I'm not. I'm having a good time and you're kinda throwing my vibe off. How about you go ahead and go and I'll call you later.

Greg: Wow, well I thought we was going to hang out for a little bit.

Fatima: We're hanging out now aren't we, come on let's get you a drink and I'll introduce you to everyone. You need to relax.

Greg: Uhm ok but after can I steel you away for a bit? I'm just trying to get to know you better. Crowds aren't really my scene.

Fatima: Greg relax and loosen up. You will get to know me in due time, here want some mystery punch? You seem uncomfortable.

Greg: No I'm fine, I am getting a slight headache.

Fatima: Greg we can take rain check if you're not feeling well. Maybe we can have a nice quiet dinner sometime this weekend. I can see you're not having a good time. I'll call you tomorrow ok.

Greg: You sure?

I was positive, I walked him out and refilled my cup. When I found Zachary he was kicking it with the fella having a deep conversation about something I could care less about.

Me and Niko was laughing about something when my so g came on. I immediately started throwing ass yelling  Aye aye ayyeee all the way the the dance floor. I could see Danni infront of me more lit than I was, we was throwing ass having a blast.

I looked over my shoulder to see who was all up on me until I saw it was Zachary. I was cheesing from ear to ear putting on a show for his fine ass.

After we left off the dance floor, Zachary made his way to the buffet and open bar. I was right on his heels, we sat ate laughed and danced some more. The group of us Maybe 60 people sang happy birthday. My brother gifted her a Benz truck and some petty cash, she drunk cried thanking everyone for making her day special.

The party was dying down, Niko was carrying Danni drunk ass to get car, I was saying my goodbyes preparing to leave myself.

Zachary: I know you not about to drive home, you have had way to much to drink.

Fatima: No I was going to call a ride share.

Zachary: I got you, come on.

Fatima: What makes you think I want you to know where I live?

Zachary: What makes you I don't already know where you live?

Fatima: Actually I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Soon as I got in the car I felt sick, thankfully I lived less than 20 minutes away. Soon as I hit the door I took off running to the bathroom vomiting. I stripped down and sat on the cold bathroom floor. The light is too bright and the room is spinning. I want to sleep right on this floor but in my drunk mind I can hear someone in my house coming towards me.

I woke up in my bed with a pounding headache trying to put the pieces together from last night. I can remember most of the party, then pancakes, then feeling sick but nothing else. How did I get home, why does my mouth taste like syrup? Omg who is this is my bed?

I checked my vagina she was good and untouched  I pulled the covers back to see Zachary sleeping so peacefully. I slid out of bed to shower and brush my teeth. He was awake when I was done.

Zachary: Good morning beautiful, I'm glad you're good.

Fatima: Thank you for getting me home, I know I was super drunk last night. I barley remember anything, but did we have pancakes at some point?

Zachary (laughing) yes, I thought you were going to ask if we had sex but yes we stopped at the 24hour IHOP before I brought you home. You feeling better?

Fatima: A little bit. Thank you Zachary,  I appreciate it. I know we didn't have sex, I would've definitely remembered that.

Zachary: Good, to know. I have to get going but can I take you out later?

Fatima: Where you rushing off too, I have an extra toothbrush you can use. Can I cook you a thank you breakfast before you go?

Zachary: hell yeah.

Fatima cooked while Zachary kept her company. He set the table, she made a fresh pot of tea. They talked and laughed for about an hour before both of there phones started ringing reminding them of the task they had for the day.

Fatima: Damn Zachary it's 2pm already, the day is flying bye.

Zachary: Time flies when your having fun, but I guess I do have to go now even though I don't want to.

I'm enjoying you as well Zachary, I kind of don't want to let you out my sight, it might be another 3 weeks before I see you again.

Zachary: You can see me whenever wherever however you like. Over breakfast I heard you when you said you just ended your engagement and your fragile. I understand and I won't try to lock you down yet, however I want you Fatima, I don't want to scare you away though.

Fatima: I need a friend Zachary, can you be my friend? Besides you're in a situation and I need to be free for a minute. However I really enjoy your lips on mine so there's that. Kiss me goodbye Zachary.

Zachary kissed her softly making her melt, they were in a full blown make out session. Zachary was ready to give her that Zac attack and her body was begging for it.

Uhmm Tima baby, stop before you get yourself in trouble. I want you, keep it up I'm going have you crying and cumming all over yourself and me.

Mmmm Zachary don't stop...

Ok yall vote and discuss, is Fatima ready for that Zac attack? Should they move a little slower or no? Oh where Gia 🤔, do we like the direction of the story do far? Are yall going to vote to keep the chapters coming consistently?

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