Chapter 27 - Part 1

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"I can call security right now and have them escort you out of here." Victoria threatened, putting her hand on her phone.

"Sweetie, if you think I'm afraid of a rent-a-cop, then you may want to think again. Why are you so threatened?" Mya asked, folding her arms. "You seemed big and bad when you showed up to my house, breaking windows and busting our cars all up, where's that courage now?"

"Listen, I don't know why you're here, but-"

Mya cut her off, "You know exactly why I'm here. I'm here to talk to you, woman to woman." She said. "My problem may be with my husband, but you're a factor and you're in the way."

"Jordan wants me and you don't want to accept that." Victoria said.

"No, honey, he doesn't want you."

Victoria smirked and then chuckled. "Sure about that?" She asked.

"Positive." Mya responded, raising her eyebrown. "I sure hope you don't think he wants you because he certainly hasn't been trying to contact you or see you, because he's been so busy trying to keep me. You know, because I'm his wife." 

Victoria pressed her lips together. "He wasn't thinking about his wife when he was with me."  

"He thought about his wife once he realized he'd been playing with trash." Mya looked Victoria up and down.

"Excuse me?" Victoria narrowed her eyes.

"Oh," Mya smirked, "Now that I've gotten rid of damn smirk on your face, I'll tell you what I have to say." She walked closer to the desk. "Stay the hell away from my husband, my family, and my house. That cute little stunt you pulled a while back was very low and as a real woman, I don't entertain foolishness."

"I'm just trying to help Jordan get away from you. Just let him go."

"I can't let go a man that wants to stay. Why are you trying to battle me over something that's not even yours to begin with?" Mya questioned. "You're pathetic." She said with disgust. "Going after someone else's husband." She passed, "Why not get your own?"

"You obviously need to talk things over with him because you seem to be a bit confused." Victoria stated, looking away as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Oh, we've been talking, and trust me when I say, the last thing he'll ever think about is getting with you. So," she took a deep breath, "stay the hell away from my husband, my family, and my house. If you have a issue with that, then you can face me like a woman." She leaned forward with both hands on the desk. 

Mya wanted to jump across the desk and smack Victoria with all the strength she could find. 

"What are you gonna do?"

"Try me and you'll find out." Mya said. "And believe me when I say that I've been waiting on someone to try me so I can show them what I'm all about, sweetheart. If we weren't in a place of business, I would have been dragged your lil ass all over this damn office."

She felt the sudden anger rise in her. Whenever she saw Jordan, she wanted to break his neck. Now, she was face to face with the woman who part of the trouble that has been caused in her life. She wanted to rip this woman's face off for stirring up her marriage, but that was way out of her character.

"I don't care what Jordan told you, or what you believe, but listen to me clearly. He doesn't want you. Stop being pathetic. You're making yourself look really stupid if you think a married man wants you. So what you guys fucked a few times, it was meaningless! You're meaningless! You are now a non factor. Don't believe anything I just said," she stared Victoria square in the eyes, "TRY ME!"

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