Chapter 10

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"Something's wrong with Mya." Cassie cried staring at Chris who was laying beside her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She's in the hospital." She got out the bed. "I have to go out there."

"Okay." He got up as well. "I'll get us some plane tickets."

Cassie did nothing but panic as she stuffed clothes in her bag and a bag for Carter. When she got a call from Jordan saying that Mya was in the hospital, she wished that she was in New Orleans at the moment. Besides Jordan, she knew that she was the only other person Mya would want there by her side. 

The flight wasn't any longer than two hours, but it seemed as though they'd been on the plane for a long time. If the airline rules weren't so strict, Cassie would have been pacing back and forth on that plane, thankfully she had Chris there with her keeping her calm and Carter, keeping her occupied.

"Is Aunty YaYa okay?" Carter asked.

Cassie was zone out, tapping her foot

"We don't know yet." Chris answered for her. He grabbed Cassie's hand and squeezed it and then she looked at him. "It's going to be okay. Just relax a little." He said softly.

Within the next thirty minutes, they were in New Orleans and ready to head to the hospital. 

"How about you two go check in the hotel and I'll go to the hospital and see what's going on?" Cassie suggested.

"You sure? We can go with you." Chris said.

"I'm sure. I don't want Carter up there, not knowing what's going on." She responded.

"Alright, sweetheart."

At the hospital, Jordan heard a knock at the door moments before the door opened.

"Hey, hey." Cassie said softly. She hugged Jordan and looked at Mya and then her eyes softened and her heart sank. Mya looked unconsious, yet alive. She had a few tubes hooked to her and it hurt Cassie to see her that way.

"My goodness." She mumbled as she approached Mya's bedside. "What happened?" She asked looking to Jordan for an answer.

"They thought it was her heart, but when they ran tests, they found it was her kidney. They say it's preeclampsia." Cassie saw nothing but worry and pain in his eyes. There was no way she could believe what Mya told her about Jordan cheating, it was nearly impossible. He was too great of a man to do that.

"I feel like this is my fault." He said, staring at Mya. "She had too much on her plate and I was never there. Three kids, two jobs and carrying a baby. I should have cut my hours short."

A nurse came in and went straight to the monitor. She checked Mya's blood pressure and frowned. "I have to get a doctor. Her blood pressure is still too high." She mentioned before exiting the room. Moments later she came back to the room followed by a doctor. 

He walked to the monitor and checked her blood pressure. "It's time we deliver this baby." He said.

"Why so soon?" Jordan questioned with concern.

"The longer we wait, the more at-risk your wife and your baby will be. He have to perform a caesarean section so we could monitor them both easily without one being too much in harm's way." He explained.

Jordan looked at Cassie, almost for confirmation. He wanted to agree with the C-Section, but he didn't want it to be a bad decision. He didn't want to lose his child and certainly not his wife.

She looked at him with worried eyes. 

"Okay, Doc. Just do what you have to do to help my wife and baby." He said.

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