Chapter 45

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"I hope you like your bedroom." Cassie told Blake once she finished making up his bed. After a week, they'd been spending a lot of time settling Blake into their home, his new home. "Remember Carter's room is right next to yours."

Blake silently sat on the edge of the bed.

Since his mom died, he hadn't said much, but he wasn't too silent.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"No." He shook his head.

"What's wrong?" She asked, already knowing the answer to the question. She just wanted him to talk about it.

"I miss my mom."

Her heart grew weak for him. "You know," she sat next to him, "I miss her too. And although she's not here with you physically, she's here spiritually. Keep that in mind."

He looked at her for a moment.

"Ever heard of a guardian angel?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Let's say that your mom is now your guardian angel. She's watching over you just like she did when she was living." She smiled, hoping it was convincing enough to ease his mind. "Just like that, she'll be everywhere you are." She added.

He took a deep breath.

"Can we go to her grave tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course." She answered. "If that's what you want to do." She said. Cassie wanted to make sure that Blake gets the attention he needs, but she nows not to give him too much attention. "Let's go and get your cousin and see what's for dinner tonight." She said grabbing his hand.

Carter was in his room, playing a video game and they all went down into the kitchen. Their housekeeper was working tonight and she cooked dinner for them then Cassie gave her the night off. She didn't have the housekeeper work too often.

Chris was home from another day at the studio. When he and his wife were in bed that night that talked.

"I never told you about me visiting my brother." He said.

"You went to see him." She lifted her head from her pillow and looked at him, resting her head on her fist.

"Yea. The other day."

"How was that? Did you tell him about Allie?" She asked.

"Yea." He answered.

"Maybe we should take Blake to see him soon." She suggested.

"I don't know. I don't think I want to do that."

She frowned. "Why not?" She asked. "That's his dad."

"I just don't think we should do that."

"But why not? How is it gonna impact Blake if we keep his father away from him? He'll eventually grow up and try to see him on his own. It's not like he doesn't know the man exist."

"Let's just wait a while. Let him grieve right now and we'll figure this out."

"He can grieve one parent and get to know the other. Right now Blake could feel lonely without his mother, but if he can have some love from his dad maybe he'll feel a little better. I don't think keeping him away from Trent his helping him in anyway." She explained.

Chris thought about what his wife was saying and he realized that she was right.

"Don't make this about you and your brother, because it's about Blake right now. He needs all the love and attention he can have to help him cope over Allie." She continued.

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