Broken- chapter 2

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On the top or side is Sam! So sexy ;)

Nina's pov

I smelt them before I saw them. I picked up my speed until I was running so fast the tree were just a blur. However I was to late. A long sorrowful howl echoed throughout the territory.

I felt an unbearable pain in my chest but that only made me push harder. I broke through the trees to see blood everywhere. There were 12 limp forms in the clearing. However what got my attention were the two forms that seemed to be embracing one another. I held my breath.

Ten of the twelve were rogues that lay in a pool of their own blood. Why was no one coming? Why wasn't Alpha Jake here?

I slowly made my way to the two limp forms. I was right. It was them laying there fighting off death. My parents. My only family. Dying right in front of me. I slowly made my way towards them and took both of their hands.

I refused to cry. I need to be strong for them now.

" mommy....daddy " I whispered, I didn't know what else to say at the moment.

My mom turned to me and slowly smiled. It was weak but it was there.

" it's okay. We love you so much. I-" she stopped to violently cough. As blood spewed from her mouth I knew I need to help them accept death.

I slowly rubbed her back and looked at my dad with a sad smile. " I love you both so much. Just relax okay? It's almost over."

My dad slowly smiles and says, " you always were strong. Don't lose hope. We'll always watch over you. I love you baby girl." He whispered as the tears slipped from the corner of his eyes. He was accepting it.

It took all my strength not to sob and beg them not to leave me. I held both their hands as the Warriors, and alpha Jake, rushed into the clearing.

" I love you. It's going to be okay. I love you. Just relax." I coaxed to them. I watched as their chest stopped rising.

I was numb. No emotion as I slowly released their cold hands and stood. "Nina" I heard someone call me. I just started at their lifeless bodies.

"Nina! I meant to come earlier but I was in the middle of something. I thought he could handle them. I'm so sorry. I should have sounded the alarm but I was to wrapped up in my own selfish reason so I commanded him to kill them. I didn't know she would follow. I'm so sorr-"

I stopped listening after that. The emotions came back and washed over me like a tidal wave. The most prominent one was anger. I was infuriated. I was angry that my mother followed my father. I was angry that the Alpha was to busy fucking some slut that protecting his pack.

I let out a humorless laugh. That seemed to confuse the Alpha as he stopped talking. The warriors all seemed to take a step back.

" Your sorry?" Again I let out a humorless laugh. I couldn't stop the rage that took over me as I turned around and stared blankly at the Alpha.

" Your sorry? Because your selfish ass wanted to fuck some slut instead of take on your responsibilities my parents are dead. It could have took two seconds to sound the alarm. Or mind link the beta to get warriors to the south border. But no you took the easy way out. You knew that my dad would do anything to protect me and you used that to you advantage. Now look at what you've done." I spit with nothing but venom in my voice.

"Hey watch it! I'm still you Alpha and your still a pathetic little omega" he spat back, stepping closer. His steps seemed to anger me more for some reason. I stepped in front of my parents dead bodies and sent him a warning growl. He laughed.

"What are you going to do, little omega? Huh? You gonna challenge me?" He stepped closer as he spoke and I lost it.

It was like something shoved me to the back seat and I had to watch as everything took place. As I lunged for him I saw a hint of fear in his eyes before he shifted. I couldn't shift and he say this as an advantage. He kept up to meet me head on.

Instead I turn and grabbed his tail and swung him around and into a tree. I didn't wait for him to recover before I pounced on him. I used my nails to dig into his chest as I scratched and pulled at his skin and fur. It was his fault they were dead and he was going to pay with his life.

He whimpered and yelped as I continued to scratch into hi stomach. I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck as I let my nails dig into his flesh. I laughed as I squeezed his neck tighter. I probably looked like a mad woman and at the moment I felt like one to. I watched as the life began to drain from his eyes.

'Nina,baby, don't be like him. Your better than this. Let him go. Don't let them win.'

It was my dad's voice. I slowly looked down at Alpha Jake as his eyes rolled back into his head and, as if someone had shocked me, I jumped off of him. He was alive. Barely.

I turned to see the warriors with wide eyes looking at me. I looked down to realise I was cover in blood and scratches as the Alpha tried to get away. It was clear now. I was a monster. I quickly took off into the forest.
Was I really going to kill him? What if I hadn't heard my dad? What if his voice would have been a minute later?

I didn't stop to ponder the questions as I picked up my pace.

Alpha Aaron pov

We were all set to move out. It would take us 12 hours to reach their territory and another hour to reach the pack house. We would only kill those who fought anyone else was welcome to join our pack or go rouge.

"Alpha! Alpha! Alpha!" I heard as I headed to the front of the group.

" What?"

"The Alpha of Nightshade has been attacked. I was called due to everyone else not wanting to help. The other packs don't want to help the Alpha and Mavee begged me to help. Can we postpone the attack?"

It was Sam,the pack doctor. He was one of the best in the country but they called him last due to us being so vicious to other packs. I wondered what could have been so bad that all others declined. From what I knew this Alpha Jake was liked.

"Why did everyone else turn him down?" I asked while walking with him into the pack house. He was hesitant to answer but when he did I sure wasn't expecting it.

"The omega attacked and almost killed him. And he's still in the pack territory."


Hope you enjoy! What do you think will happen? Will they hold off the attack and help or attack while he's down? Don't forget to vote and comment. Criticism is welcome. Again thanks for reading!!!!!

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