Broken- chapter 4

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Up top or to the side is the doctors building

Nina's pov

This is it. This is how I die. Always an omega. Always a disappointment.

I was pulled out of my depressing thoughts by the beta's voice. " Nina, are you listening?"

I hadn't heard a word he said but I didn't need to. There was no way I was going to make it out of this alive. I was a dead woman walking.

" Nina!"

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see Mr.Anderson, Alpha Jakes' dad. He probably hated me the most. " Yes" I answered weakly. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy.

" Sweetheart you need to come with us. We have a pack doctor from the warrior pack who will help the Alpha. He's conscious now and wants to see you." I was confused at the fact that he wasn't mad. If anything he seemed sympathetic and caring.

I looked at him. He didn't look mad. He didn't smell mad. " Are you mad at me?" I asked childishly. He simply smiled and shook his head.

I shrugged it off and walked with them to the doctors building. This was all to much. And now as I was swallowed by my own dark thoughts I began to feel dizzy. I slowly my walk and held my head.

" Nina, honey, are you okay?" The voice sounded like it was far away yet right next to my ear. I was going crazy. " Nina. Nina. Nina. Nina." The voices kept chanting which increased the pain piercing through my skull. It was all to much. I watched as the ground moved closer towards me before everything went black.

Beta Tom pov

I watched as she fell to the ground like a dead weight. It was all to much for her. Being the omega and the abuse. Then her parents death and almost killing the Alpha. I remember the way she looked at him. She had a crazy look in her eyes and ever one in that clearing knew the Alpha was going to die.

But she didn't kill him. It was as if someone had suddenly snapped some sense into her as she stopped attacking. But what killed us all the most was the look in her eyes as she looked back and forth between us and the Alpha. Fear.

She had feared what she had almost become. She had feared us. She had feared what her life would become after this. And most of all she feared the heartbreak that was sure to come.

No one held it against her. All warriors in that field saw the pain in her eyes as she keeled over her dead parents. We all knew that one day she would snap. She was just to calm during her omega life.

She would offer a smile to those who had just beat her up 30 minutes ago. She loved to clean and never complained. She helped kids with homework and made sure everyone had what they needed even if she was beaten the same day.

She was to calm during those times. She seemed okay but we all knew ,one day, she would snap. And she did.

Alpha Blake

" what do you mean a female omega? Females aren't to be omega's and even then she would be extremely weak."

Sam exclaimed as we walked towards the doctors building.

" She had a traumatic build-up of tension that cause her to acquire enough strength to over power our Alpha" One of the wolves explains but doesn't look back. I growl under my breathe at the pup.

He quickly spins around and lowers his head and apologized for the disrespect. We continue walking until we get just outside a big stone building. I turn my head and see three figures standing over something on the ground.

" Hey pups! What's that over there?" I call as I point to the sight. They each take a look then inhale to catch a sent of the three. I hear one of them gasp as he takes off in a dead sprint to the group. "Tyler!" One of the pups call to him.

I see him push one of the figures away and pick up the object on the ground. He begins to walk over with what I now know is a body, a females body, to be exact. He pushes past and rushed into the building.

I look at the two remaining pups for an answer. " He knows the girl, I guess." Answers the one on the right as he avoids eye contact. I sense there's something they're not telling me but leave it alone.

We walk into the building only to hear screaming coming from a room. We all take off in a sprint to get to the room. The door is open and inside is a group of people surrounding a table. On that table is the girl the pup, Tyler, brought in. She seems to be sleeping except she's screaming bloody murder and thrashing around. She suddenly stops.

Everything slows as she jumps off the table, over the people, and into a crouched position in front of us. She looks at us for a second before running out of the room with Tyler and six other people chasing her.

I don't know why but I take off after them, losing complete control and shifting as I speed past the six people. Tyler , too, is in wolf form as we speed into the woods after the girl.

My wolf has completely taken over and I'm forced to watch as he snaps at Tyler's wolf. We end up in a clearing that smells of blood. We slow to a trot as I see the girl leaned over what seems to be two dead bodies.

I make a move to approach but Tyler quickly steps in front of me shaking his head. For some reason my wolf listens as he slowly makes his way towards the girl.

" Nina, it me Tyler."

" Nina. I'm going to come and sit next to you okay?"

He tries to get her to respond but she just sits there. He takes another step and sees her back stiffen and quickly stops all movement.

"Nina" he calls again. The girl slowly turns to see Tyler and me. She growls a warning. She steps over the two bodies as a mother would to her pups.

She looks between the two of us and growls again. Her nails grow as Tyler takes a step closer, she's going to strike if he takes another step.

" Nina sweetheart. It me Tyler. I'm just here to help,honey." Tyler says as he takes another step closer. She didn't like that very much.

She quickly swipes her hand out, clawing from his chin down to his chest. He stumbles back and hisses as he touches the wound. Who ever these people were, she was protective of them. Tyler looks from her to the people to his chest. A look of realization crosses his face.

" Nina they wouldn't want this. This isn't who you are. I know it hurts now but you know I would never hurt you or them. I'm here to help you. Just like all those other times. Sweetheart it's me Tyler. I know your sad and hurt and mad but this isn't the way to go. Don't shut people out. Just let me in so that I can help you." He says and gets closer this time she doesn't strike or growl. She slowly stands up and rushed to hug him.

I growl not liking their closeness. I can't stop myself as I lunge for Tyler. She steps in front of him to meet me head on and punches my nose. My wolf, Derek, quickly stops and looks at her. He gives me back control but chants one thing over and over excitedly.



Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I added a new point of view so that you can get a little inside to what Nina was like. So what do you think will happen? Will he claim Nina or just move on?

Don't forget to vote and comment. I would appreciate if you could tell me what you think so far. Is the story moving to slow? Should I speed it up or just continue on?

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