Have Mercy

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Hey guys so I've recently begun to right a new story and I would really appreciate it if you guys would help me out and give it a read.

All of your comments and advice are welcomed as I'm probably gonna need all of it.

(I am also in need of an amazing cover because I suck at them. If you or anyone you know makes cover let me know in the comments. Thank you)

So without further ado my new story Have Mercy

"You knew they would try to kill me. You sent them straight to me!"he simply smiled at me.

His eyes showed no mercy.
No regret as my life hung on a thin line.

"So?" He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to counting his money. I couldn't believe it. My own father.
Leaving me to be killed by the enemy.
Sending me straight to my death.

My hand moved before I could think over my actions and punched him. He lay faced down on the table as joy overwhelmed me. It was time for a new and improved Eryn.


Eryn Tiller is a 26 year old ethologist who lives in a large downtown studio apartment. Her life has been nothing but a constant reminder of who her father is and what he could and would do.

One thing about Eryn is that she'd always dreamed of becoming either an author or an artist; however none of those careers seemed to fit the image her father painted for her life. So he forced her into the medical field, telling her it was her only option.

She graduated high school at 16 and was off to college that same year. She attend the University of Oxford, in England, on a two year scholarship. A group of scientists in the A.A.S. program noticed her knowledge in all matters of medicine and offered her a year long internship. she accepted and was given full membership eight months after her internship was over.

When she gets the opportunity to work with a world renown group of people in Greece, better known as I.A.A.S, she jumps on the first flight available. However her trip to Greece would be more than surgery and training. It would be the trip that changed her simple life ,as Eryn Tiller, forever.


There will be an update for Broken today so watch out for that! Hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to go check it out and show some love.

Have an amazing Saturday and see ya later!!!!

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