Broken- Chapter 16

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Here you guys go, an update as promised!!!

I felt something tickling my stomach and couldn't help but let out a giggle. I opened my eyes only to close them from the sun rays.

After a few seconds they adjusted to the light and I opened them to find Aaron tracing small circles on my belly. I smiled as I imagined him doing that when I was carrying his pups.

"Good morning beautiful" he looked up at me then kissed my stomach lightly.

"Good morning. What are you doing?" He stopped and sat up before smiling down at me. He shook his head, muttered something, and then headed into the bathroom. I lay back in bed planning to sleep all day but I guess he had other plans.

"Come on get up and dressed. I'm taking you out so we can have some alone time for once" I groaned and rolled over to his side of the bed and pulled the covers higher. I heard him move before I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder.

"Put me down you cave man" I yelled all the while laughing my head off.

"Sorry no can do, I know if I do you'll just crawl back in bed. So pick an outfit and meet me downstairs when you're ready" he put me down near the closet, kissed me softly, then left the room.

I sighed and began my search for the perfect outfit. After laying out my clothing I took a quick shower and covered myself in cocoa butter. I then dressed and made my way downstairs.

Aaron was looking sexy as hell in his black button up, Levi's, and black suede Oxfords. I smiled at the fact that we were sort of matching.

He led me to the pack garage where we climbed into a navy blue Audi r8. As we were pulling out he reached over and intertwined our hands, and I melted a little inside.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I turned to look at him. We were heading into town so I know it would be something around humans.

"I was thinking we could go grab a bite to eat and then go from there" he made a right onto the highway as I nodded my head in understanding.

"So what's your favorite color?" I laughed at the basic question and answer him. "Green. And you?"
"It's between black and blue"

"When did you become an alpha?" He paused for a second before cracking a slight smile.

"I was 17 and my dad had been training me since I was nine. He said that he and my mom wanted to travel the world so I would need to be ready to become Alpha early. It was tough at first but I loved the sense of responsibility and authority, so I learned quick. They've been traveling ever since"

I smiled at the thought of a nine year old Aaron learning to become the great Alpha he is today. I could sense he wanted to ask about my past but was hesitant.

"I was an omega from birth but they only got rough when I didn't shift on my 16th birthday. I had to clean the house and tend to the alpha's every need." I could feel him getting upset but continued anyway. He needed to hear it. I needed to say it.

"I didn't want them to think they'd won so I put up a front. Smiled in they're face while they spat in mine. My parents didn't completely disown me but they were never really there for me. There was a cook, Mrs. Maeve, she was the closest I'd ever gotten to a real mom. I'd got my first beating the night I didn't shift. I thought that night was the worst day of my life. Little did I know what was truly in store for me. However being here, with you now, makes me feel that I've gotten past that. For crying out loud I'm an omega who has an alpha for a mate. I think I've won in terms of a good life. I think those times make me who I am today and I wouldn't change a thing."

We had long since stopped outside a restaurant. Aaron stared at me for a couple seconds before he slowly put his forehead to mine.

"You'll never have to go through that ever again and I'll kill anyone who even looks at you wrong. Sometimes I can't even believe how blessed I am to have a mate like you and I thank the moon goddess everyday for you. Nina Irene Smith I'm deeply in love with you and Im the luckiest man alive to have you even remember so much as my name."

After a entertaining and romantic dinner we continued to drive to some secret place Aaron wouldn't tell me about.

"Please tell me" I tried to beg but he just told me it was a surprise. I sighed and decided I would take a nap to pass the time.

"Babe, wake up. We're here"
I looked outside to see we were on a hill with a beautiful log cabin near the woods. There was a garden on the side that lead to a dock and lake further down.

I smiled so wide I though my face would crack as I rushed over to Aaron and jumped into his arms. He spun me around before setting me on the ground. He pulled out a bunch of suitcases from the trunk and made his way inside. It was more beautiful than I'd originally thought. It looked like something out of a tumblr page.

We headed upstairs and began to unpack. I played a couple songs before a one direction throw back came on. Truly, madly, deeply. I smiled widely as I grabbed Aarons hands and pulled him into the living room.
(Start song now if you want to listen along)
Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between?
I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me
Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined?
Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine?

I put my hands on his shoulders as I guided him as we danced. I smiled as his eyebrows creased in concentration as he watched my feet.

I put my finger under his chin as I softly sang the chorus all the while looking into his eyes.

Truly, madly, deeply, I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in
So baby, say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you
In love with you

He stared at me as we continued and I leaned my head on his shoulder and hummed the song softly.

Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed
And wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said?
And tender touches, just to show you how I feel
Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal?

He slid his hand up my back and I looked at him. His eyes showed love and happiness as he began to lead. He drew small circles on my exposed back as he began to softly hum along to the beat. I smiled widely as his eyes seemed to glow in this light. I couldn't help but to trace his features with soft caresses as the song continued. We were almost in a trance of love as we stared at each other. Our souls joining as one. Our wolves rejoicing.

I hope I'm not a casualty,
Hope you won't get up and leave
Might not mean that much to you
But to me it's everything, everything

His eyes seemed to reflect those words as he stopped his soft traces on my back. He looked at me with an emotion so deep my heart skipped.

So baby, say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy deeply in love (in love) with you (with you),
In love (in love) with you (with you)
In love (in love) with you (with you)
With you

After the song had finished he leaned in and kiss me softly, passionately, and filled with complete and utter love.

I was truly, madly, and crazy deeply in love with this man and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.


Hope you enjoyed it!

If you don't already know I have a new book called Have Mercy so please check that out.

Also if you or anyone you know makes covers please let me know in the comments. I absolutely suck at making them.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

Let's hope for the best for our little love birds! Bye guys love you!

Keep it classy and never trashy!

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