Broken- Chapter 20

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Six months.

It had been six months since the death of Nina. The first two were spent looking for her body and training. After those two months her body was never found so we had to move on.

Overtime news spread that we'd lost our luna and others tried to attack us thinking it was a time of weakness. However they were sadly mistaken.

I made this pack train ten times as hard as they would have and we've been obliterating all surrounding packs.

There were days when I couldn't feel anything but rage and emptiness. However, most nights were spent sobbing into my pillow.

My wolf seemed to be coping with it better than me, which was odd for an alpha male. It almost seemed like he knew something I didn't.

"Alpha there's someone outside for you. He says it's about the Luna." It was one of my pack members but I couldn't figure out who before I was sprinting to the front door.

Outside was a man short and fat with a balding head. He was sweating greatly and eyeing all my warriors who were no doubt three times his height.

It seemed the whole pack had heard about the man's reason for being here as they all glared at him, some even growling.

"I am Alpha Blake. What is it about my mate?" He shifted from one foot to another before pulling out a large white envelope. He bowed his head as I went to open it.

Inside was a hand written letter stating that a pack about 200 miles from here had Nina's body and would only give it back if we gave up the north half of our land to them.

I chuckled as I threw the letter at the man's feet. "You honestly think I'm going to do that? By you giving me that letter you have showed me who I shall declare war with and as an official start I think I'll send them your head."

The man opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by pack member jumping on him. His screams echoed threw the territory as I made my way back into the packhouse to make plans of when to strike.


Our plan is to strike tomorrow night as it was scheduled to rain and we were a pack of mostly dark wolves so it would help us.

I lay in bed ready for closure that my mate, my love, was really dead. I was prepared to do any and everything to get her back.

We began our journey at 12 noon because we would travel in cars then shift as we got closer to their territory. By the time we got on the outskirts of their pack it was 9pm and raining buckets.

We packed away and hid our cars then shifted and began our journey into their land. I could feel the anger radiating off of every one of my pack members and knew they were going to tear down every single person and/or thing in their way.

We made it about a quarter mile from their pack houses before we were met with a wall of all brown wolves. They were smaller than my men but looked to be just as angry. I smiled as I realized they received our signal.

"Alpha Blake you have started a war between our packs by killing one of my members. If you wish to receive your precious luna back you will give up your north and your east territory." It was the Alpha who had spoken as he was the only one who remained in his human form.

I shifted back shamelessly and chuckled at what he said. "If you wish to keep your head on your shoulders you'll give me what I came for or should I give you the same treatment I gave that fat fuck you sent to my territory?"

He growled as he shook his head. "You'll die a stupid arrogant fuck and I'll forever ravish that thing you call a mate."

That seemed to set everything off as each of our men ran toward each other. Thunder and lighting mixed with the sounds of growls and tearing flesh were the song of this war.

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