Broken- Chapter 23

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"Nina wake up"
Someone was shaking me. I tried to swat them away as I snuggled closer to the cover. The cover. I bolted up when I realized I was no longer running through the woods heartbroken.

"Come on I went out and got your favorite yogurt and strawberries. And we have a very important pack meeting at 1 so get dressed." It was Aaron. It was exactly what he'd said to me yesterday morning.

He came back in the room with black jeans, light blue button up, and a tray of food. Exactly like he'd done yesterday. I rushed into the bathroom as I thought over everything that'd happened.

There was no way. I couldn't have.
Did I go back in time?

"As a matter of fact you did. A do over you may call it." I turned to see a woman who looked to be no older than 30 but the wrinkles by her eyes said otherwise. She had on a white sheer gown that somehow showed nothing underneath. Her hair was full of life and shiny volume. She was absolutely beautiful.

Mère des loups (pronounced Mair-day-lu). Mother of the wolves. She was the first woman to bear the child of a wolf. She went on to have eternal life in the form of an apperation. She was the one who pairs mates on the day of their birth. The one who would great you and your wolf when you died.

"Look no offense but I don't want one. I know it's your job to pair the perfect mates who balance each other for the better but this just isn't it. Sometimes, even when it's meant to be, things just don't work out. I appreciate you giving me what was a good mate even if it was just for awhile. I love..loved him and I thank you for that experience." I smiled slightly at her. For some reason I felt no obligation to bow down or to cower away. I felt as if I was talking to an equal, a friend.

"I'm here to show you what really happened. Now that you know how the day ends make different decisions for a better outcome." I shook my head. It still sounds like she's trying to get me to prevent Aaron from cheating with that girl.

If he wants to I'm not going to stop him but this time I want to hear what he says, what's his excuse. "Yeah okay, sure." She smiled at me awhile longer before she faded away.

I dressed in some comfortable clothes and matched them with my timbs because this time I was gonna stomp him and that bitch. I tied my hair up and put rings on all of my right hand. I wasn't gonna use my wolf because I knew I could easily overpower her so I was going to fight like a human.

"Woah Babe you're dressed like your about to fight someone." I rose an eyebrow as I walked past him and into the kitchen making sure to swing my hips. "Good lord" I heard him whisper. The only thing good that seemed to come of this was the fact I got to eat my yogurt twice and man oh man was it good.

I stayed with Aaron at the house until 12, which is when he said he needed to take care of a complaint near the girls house. So that explains how he got to her house. I stayed a good distance behind him and used a spray given to me to mask my scent.

He walked toward an opening near her place where a pack member stood. "Alpha, I'm sorry I couldn't hold him. He was just to strong." The pack member was holding what was sure to be a broken wrist. Aaron got closer to the man only for him to stab a needle in Aarons neck.

It pained me to see my mate struggle but whatever happened yesterday needed to happen today besides he deserved every bit of pain for what he did to me. The man called in another guy who picked Aaron up and they headed into the girls house.

After a good 10 minutes the two men came out and walked back toward the packhouse. I headed into the house and heard a whisper. "No no I can't. Get off I can't." It was Aaron. I stepped to go into the room but stopped. I needed to let this happen so I can see how it went down.

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