Broken- Chapter 32 Part 2

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Aaron's pov

"I want the twins and Jax to come along. Everyone else is to stay here and be ready to attack if needed. This is your Luna. I expect nothing but the smartest and most aggressive way to get her back."

I had assembled all the fighters and went over plans on how we could get Nina back. The best option was to go in and fight our way to her.

I could see the anger and worry in the eyes of my men and couldn't help but share those emotions tenfold. My mate was stuck in the clutches of the devil himself and I was going to give my life fighting to get her back.

I give a nod to the girl that helped Nina get there. A black circle that resembled a black hole appeared.

I turned back to my men, "be ready to fight and give your life for your Luna" wth that we enter, ready to get her back.


Nina's pov

I awoke in the same bed, alone and oddly cold. I take a moment to send a prayer to god before moving out of the bed.

I spot a note on the end of the bed next to a pile of clothes. "Put them on and follow the guard outside." I quickly put on the sweats and wife beater before throwing the door open.

A large man stands at the door just staring at me, "are you gonna move or are we gonna sit here forever?" He nods before we begin down the long hallways.

After a few minutes we arrive at a set of large silver doors, inside is a large room filled with exercise equipment, mats and a track that runs along the outside of the mats. He stands along side 4 other large men and although he's the shortest, a chill runs up my spine at his stare.

"What do you want? I've given you everything you've asked for. I tried to give you my powers, I've given you energy, what more do you want?" I take a step towards him as my wolf becomes angry.

The 4 large men take steps foward also, hissing at me. I try to keep myself from shifting as I close my eyes and take a breathe. I feel a sting in my eyes as an intense need to cry comes over me.

"We're here today to test you. If you pass, you shall leave and your mate will be healed. If you do not pass, you will still leave; however, your mate will not be healed. Do you understand that?" He speaks as he takes slow steps towards me, stopping as he gets an inch to close.

I snap my eyes open, knowing my wolf is showing, and let out a growl, "I'm not a fucking idiot. I'm not feeding into your sick games." He shakes his head as he smirks at me.

"I'm not playing a game. What you see is what you get. Do you, or do you not, understand?"

"Fuck you." I spit at his feet. His face shows no emotion but I can see the anger swirling in his eyes. He takes a moment to stare at me before motioning the men to come foward.

"The test will begin with a simple hand to hand. I hope you stretched." I didn't get a chance to speak before each of the men, hissed, and charged at me.

I panicked and began running from them. I'm pretty sure it was a funny sight as I kept tripping over my own feet. I let out a scream as I felt a nail run down my back. I was shocked that there was no pain but kept running.

I could feel my wolf wanting to turn and fight, but I didn't know what these things were or what they were capable of doing. I try to keep her down but feel myself slowly loosing my grip on her.

I finally allow her to take over as she spins around and clothesline one of the men. She quickly hops onto another, snapping his neck, before kicking the next one in the throat. I see her grab the last one by the throat and rip it out before turning to the man on the ground.

He's still winded and she quickly slices his throat with her nails before snapping it. She let's out a loud growl before turning her sight on him. She steps over the men as she approaches him. I try to take control but she calms me down, convincing me she won't cause even more trouble.

"That was impressive. The fastest time we've seen in decades. What's your name?" He slightly strokes my hair and I can feel myself wanting to throw up. She quickly grabs his fingers and I watch as his hand begins to burn.

His face remains emotionless but his eyes scream in pain. "You and I both know what she can do to you. Don't make that mistake. Release her and heal our mate before things get ugly." She releases his hand and I almost throw up at the sight of burnt skin and bone sticking out.

I feel a rush of power as I quickly take over and grab him by the throat. His eyes flash with fear before I quickly release him. His throat is also burned but not as bad. I quickly take a step back. Was that me? I mean, I had total control but why was he burned?

He cleared his throat before motioning me to follow him. He leads me to the room I had first woke up in. He goes into the bathroom and comes back out with a towel wrapped around his hand.

"It's seems your mother has blessed you with something the others have never gotten. I can't take your power no matter what I try. I'll heal your mate and you'll be free from me. If you are to give birth to a girl she will be the next enfant des loups, as will her daughter."

I shake my head, "We're only born every few centuries, not every generation." He give a grimace as he removes the towel from his hand. The burn has somehow spread up his arm. "Looks like things have changed."

I was unable to question him before everything went dark.


Aaron's pov

I woke with a start as I took in my surroundings. I was on a large bed in a cold room but I could feel a warmth over my shoulder. I felt it but I didnt feel anything odd.

I quickly went to the mirror on the side wall to see my mark was glowing. It was beautiful. I felt myself being pulled somewhere. It wasn't a physical tug but more mentally. I felt a rush of heat over me before everything went dark again.


I went to sit up but found something sitting on my chest. My eyes were open but everything was still dark.

I quickly tried to push the weight off of me but it stuck onto me. I couldn't help but let out a growl as I pushed the weight with a little more strength and watched as a body flew into the wall across from the bed.

I quickly took note that I was back in my room as the body let out a groan. As I went to growl a scent hit my nose. Nina. I quickly rushed to help her up, panicking that I'd hurt her.

As I slowly sat her up, I saw she was laughing. He smile was bright, her eyes brighter as she stared at me. "I love you." I quickly took her back into my arms planning to never let her go again.

I opened my mouth to apologize but she put a finger to my lips and let out a giggle. She smiled again as she ran her fingers over my face. I couldn't stop the smile that made its way onto my face as I tugged her closer.

She placed her lips on mine as she grabbed my cheeks. I slid my hand in her hair, wanting to deepen the kiss but she quickly pulled away. She gave me another short kiss before hopping off the bed and making her way to the door.

"I'm hungry as fuck!!" She yelled as she threw open the door.


I love you all so,so much! I think I'm gonna end the book soon and I thank each and every one of you who have joined me on this journey.

I will be updating the next few chapters in the same week so be on the lookout for those.

I can't thank you all enough. 50,000 beautiful people have read this shitty book and I am so thankful.

I also am starting a new story, called Grotesquely Gorgeous, and I would love you to pieces (not that i already don't) if you would take a look at that for me.

I love you, I love you, I love you all so, so much and I know I'm repeating myself but I'm just so thankful for each and every one of you. 💚
God bless.

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