Quirk: Dominion

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Type: Emitter

Can dominate and take control  of any  living being that possesses a will (conscious) of its own and has intelligence (even if it's minimal) by simply touching, speaking, or looking at the intended target.  This includes humans, animals, and insects.

Those that fall under the user's control become  'tamed' and will follow all orders given. The user also gains: the ability to share senses (sight, sound, touch, etc) with his subordinates, can telekinetically communicate with them, know their thoughts/location, can borrow/use  quirks or abilities as their own, and can even converse to others using his tamed targets as a   medium (basically a living speaker). In addition, the user can see his subordinates health (in stat points) like a digital game screen.

Despite this level of power over the targets, there are limitations to it. Firstly, the more tamed subordinates that the user gains, the harder it is to keep them under control. Consequently, the 'perfect'   or the max number of tamed targets that can be kept under full control is 50. Anymore than this will weaken the control which allows for targets that have a strong will to fight back and eventually break free.  However, if the tamed are of low intelligence or have weak wills, the user can control many more  (usually the case with insects and animals).

Moreover, if the user isn't mindful when borrowing the tamed target's quirk or  other abilities as their own, they can suffer from multiple  drawbacks as their body isn't used to such power.

Dominion allows the user to  fight with a strong team of their own rather than alone, though they can also fight alongside other teams that haven't been tamed. The user can fulfill many roles and wield different quirks depending on the targets that they have under their control which allows them  to be very versatile. However,  Dominion is weak to psychological quirks since they can cause the user to lose control/concentration and canceling quirks as their ability gets deactivated.

Drawbacks: fatigue, exhaustion, headaches, and dizziness are the most common. However, more side effects can be felt depending on the number and types of quirks/abilities 'borrowed'.

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