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Two weeks later I received a call from my adoptive father regarding my mission.

"How's it going?"

"I'm about to return home."

"I see. Do you think he'll be a potential candidate?"

Dr. Spencer's voice sounded very hopeful. He's definitely still upset at how things went through the last time we spoke with each other in his mansion, built atop limestone caverns in the Arklay Mountains, located at the outskirts of Raccoon City.

Devastated that only two out of thirteen elite students have remained training in their facility after we were told to get a vaccination, he sent me to recruit a child prodigy near my age in a private school within the Raccoon city.

It was William Birkin.

My top priority is to monitor and convince that kid to join me in the Umbrella Training Facility he founded around August 1968, five months after the official establishment of the company.

"Yes. He knows what he's doing."

I simply said. I have doubts about his overall ideologies but William proved to be reliable in terms of his knowledge with cell biology and biochemistry in spite of his young age.

"Well then, make sure to bring him with you. Offer him a deal he could never refuse. It's better to continue his education under Marcus's supervision.


I placed the phone back in to it's cradle and approached the balcony. It's almost been a month since I transferred to that school to observe if that kid is worth it. And he truly is.

However, there's one problem. The girl he follows around like a puppy lives in the city. I have to get rid of her as soon as possible.


Later that night, I've prepared to go to school and gather her files. I changed to a pair of black linen pants, a midnight blue polo shirt-rolled all the way up my elbow and black leather shoes to avoid attracting attention.

Opting for a hair brushed up all the way to the back could also come in handy if I eventually end up in a tight spot.

I sneaked past the guardhouse at the back gate by jumping over the two meter high cement wall on the opposite side of the iron gate.

I went straight to the office located at the first floor left wing corner and held the doorknob open. As expected, it was locked. It's weekend after all.

I used the copy of a key I took from a teacher's desk and opened the door. The blinds are rolled down but there was enough moonlight seeping through the gaps in between them to show me the way.

I turned a small flashlight on and bit the other side while I searched for the folder containing all students names and their 2x2 photos.

It took me awhile before I finally found her file, containing her personal details.

I first stared at her black and white closeup photo and remembered how she just ignored my presence that day. It made me shake my head in disbelief.

Y/N L/N. 15 years of age.

Daughter of a basketball coach and a deceased housewife.

A member of a church choir and one of the volunteers who helps to cook for the homeless community every weekend after practice.

She also has exceptional skills in axe throwing yet her father refuses to let her join the leagues till she reaches eighteen years of age.

Makes sense that she's good in playing basketball then. I thought.

I shut the folder close and inserted it back to the deep drawer.

Not bad. But there's definitely something I could use to taint her image.

I went on my way to her house located near the woods. It was an old, white bungalow with two wide windows on each side and a well maintained lawn in front.

The outdoor wall lights on both sides of the door were bright enough to keep the robbers away so I thought it's better to leave her alone for tonight. The house indicates the family is already sleeping anyway.


I recognized Y/N's faint voice. It echoed from the dark woods. There are only two scenarios that I can make out of it. Either she was practicing her wood chopping technique and has been stalked by one of her rabid fans or the family went into camping and is being chased by a wild animal.

A victorious smirk creeped up on my lips. I don't even have to do anything and she already about to meet her doom.

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