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A/N: Thank you to the one who voted on tenth chapter

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A/N: Thank you to the one who voted on tenth chapter. It parallels how long it took for the canon characters to produce results.


A month later...


"Someone's in a good mood..."

I raised my head from the microscope and turned around to the owner of that voice.


"Who else?"

I frowned in confusion.

"I mean you're humming all morning, I'm starting to lose my mind."

I ran my gaze at the whole room. I was totally unaware about my own actions and that's a little concerning.

Lucky for me the Dr. Marcus's assistant left us to finish our experiments by ourselves, and most of the students up front were all busy with their little experiments to pay attention on their surroundings.

It was the first time we've been gathered in one place. We usually experiment alone to prevent copying other people's ideas but this particular project was different to the one we're working on.

Every bone in my body wanted to confirm if it's a prank to catch me off guard, however, it's embarrassing to ask so I just figured I'd apologize and move on.


"It's fine. I'm just curious why. No offense but I never knew you could sing."

"I had no idea either. Never got time to find out."

"That's weird."

"You must be hearing things. Take a break."

"Nah. I feel like I'm getting there. If I stop now I might let the opportunity slip away and Lady Luck could end up on your side of the fence."

I smirked at him.

"Sharing is caring. Remember, no man is an island."

"That's a bit rich coming from you."

"Did I stutter? Unlike you, I do have connections."

"Well, I also used to have one but sadly, she failed to catch up."

I shook my head.

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