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I carried Y/N in my arms and brought her to the clinic to get a medical checkup. Beads of sweat are all over her face despite the weather and her whimpering is getting louder every passing minute.

The male doctor came to her aid a few minutes later and asked a series of questions I shouldn't listen to but I'm dying to know what's going on.

She eventually told him the cause and it couldn't have been more embarrassing that I thought it was a life and death situation.

However, to my defense, if she's undergoing that kind of excruciating pain every month during her menstruation period, then there's not much difference between the two.

How would I know when I've never seen anyone else had problems similar to her in the past, even after living with around a hundred former students roaming around the campus.

"Rest assured she's going to be fine. I'll give her necessary pain relievers to relax the severity of the muscle contractions for a couple of days."

Half an hour later, the male doctor eventually left us alone after administering the medication she needed through an IV drip, and told us to leave only if the pain has subsided.

"How are you holding up?"

She slowly rise from the bed and put her feet on the tiled floor.

"I feel better now."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice on you."

She looked at me like I did something surprising.

"It's alright. I apologize for not being straightforward about it either. It's just... too embarrassing to say to a guy."

"But I'm not just "some" guy."

"Yeah. I know."

She smiled shyly and I smiled back.

"From now on don't hesitate to communicate more openly. You can absolutely tell anything to me."

"I will. Thank you."

A minute later, she tried to bend down to wear her boots but it still seemed to be a bit of a challenge, so I hunkered down and help insert her foot into those, then supported her elbow as she stood up.

"Are you going back to your room?"


"I'll come with you."


Thankfully, most of the students go home on weekends, so there's not much crowd to worry about.

I let her take her time walking through empty corridors, out to the park and back to the dormitory while talking about how much improvement she has made in a short period of time.

I was glad to hear that she, and her fellow students and trainers have developed a better working environment.

"Thank you. I'm truly grateful for all the support you've provided whenever the need arises, but if my debts kept piling up like this, I won't be able to pay you back."

"... perhaps you can just run away from it. You're not being held hostage in here."

Her hand hung in the air for a second, before grabbing on the doorknob.

"Does that mean I can leave anytime?"

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Those words were meant to give her peace of mind, yet it backfired and she sounded upset.

I sighed softly and asked an obvious question.

"Do you want to?"

"Honestly, I don't, but if you insist..."

I frowned in confusion.

She faced me with a wide smile on her lips. That's when I realized I was holding my breath the whole time, regretting my choice of words.

Luckily she didn't take it to heart. Instead, her palms enveloped my cheeks and then her fingers pinched them lightly.

"You thought you can get rid of me that easily? I'm your burden now so deal with it till graduation."

I was about to let her know that I actually enjoy her company, however, our conversation was interrupted by someone I least expected to show up.

Because of him, Y/N quickly took her warm hands off of my face and I've never been this annoyed in my whole life.

"Good afternoon."

His eager smile faded away as soon as he noticed me.

I suppose he remembered our agreement and how seldom he's sending his supposedly daily reports in a fixed time, resulting in making me check Y/N's progress directly.

"Oh hey Hunk. What brings you here?"

She asked enthusiastically.

"Hi, sorry for bothering you. Everyone was just wondering if you're still sick and ordered me to bring you some food and medicine."

"Aw... that's nice. Thank you. I feel bad you had to carry this baggage all the way here."

"Nah. Don't mention it."

This is the first time I've ever seen Hunk crack a smile. It was too swift to remove any doubts, but the way the conversation is going, I bet he's already her close friend.

"They want you to know that we will begin firearms training tomorrow."

"That soon?"


"I guess I have to go."

"But you're still in bad shape."

I tried to remind her why we're in this position in the first place but she looks like she's made up her mind.

"Yeah, but at least the meds will keep my cramps at bay."

I have a feeling this will not go well. So I decided to visit the firing range the next day.

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