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I went to the shooting range and subtly searched in every nook and cranny, by pretending to watch the new recruits but Y/N is nowhere to be found.

I planned to wait for her to appear in the middle of their target practice, however, even half an hour later, she still hasn't showed up.

I was thinking if she has already bailed off due to her cramps and perhaps returned to the dormitory earlier.

If that's the case, I should've seen her on the way, since there's only one path that links all buildings together.


I turned around and saw Hunk fast approaching.

I have no time to deal with him so I quickly held the doorknob to leave, but he managed to grab my forearm before I could step out of the soundproofed room.

"What do you want?"

"If you're looking for Y/N, she's in the office with "him"."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. She's been escorted over there as soon as she came in."

"What for?"

"I don't know."

Hunk's expression is as tough as usual, yet his voice sounds a little shaky.

"Show me the way."

Hunk excused himself and told the supervisory personnel that he needed to go to the bathroom.

He then led me towards the small hallway, at the left side of the room we came from, and opposite of the entrance door.

"No student is allowed to enter so I can only count on you."

I slowly faced him with a smirk tugging at my lips.

"Fortunately for you, I got your back. Sadly, can't say the same for myself."

"I'm sorry. Y/N and I rarely get to train together because the higher ups are the ones who teach her most of the time. Can't report something I haven't verified myself or else you'll call me out."

"Clever. I wish you have foreseen this far so that we could've avoided this situation."

"Just to be clear, no one knew he's coming today. Everyone thought he already gave the position to Dr. Marcus."

I wonder if I told him to hide her from the start, will it change the outcome?

I'm deeply regretting that I had chosen to act on my own, instead of relying upon the chess pieces I've laid down in their designated positions.

"It's too late to play the blaming game. I'll fix the problem, you make sure you'll do as you're told and remain committed to the task at hand."


Hunk and I continued to walk towards the office when all of a sudden, the door opened and Y/N left in a daze.

I gestured for him to leave the matter to me and go back to his class. I followed her from a distance but contrary to my expectation, she went to the opposite direction.

She quietly walked back to the dormitory and slowly shut the door behind her.

I took my scarf off and waited patiently in my own room. I left the door ajar, so I can hear her just in case she passes by.

An hour later I decided to knock on her door. It didn't take long for her swollen eyes and bright red nose to get revealed to me as soon as she opened it.

"A-Albert? I thought..."

"Why? What's the matter?"

She wouldn't speak at first, most likely due to her intense emotions at the moment.

I contemplated if it's better to give her privacy, then come back later to cheer her up than force her to spill the beans prematurely, and make her feel worse.

"Never mind. Take a rest for now."

I turned around to leave but Y/N held my hand and won't let go.

"This might be the last time... I'll ever see you."

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"How come?"

"One of the founders and I had a conversation earlier about my unauthorized presence."

"What did he say?"

"That I have to leave the facility... at once."

"Let me talk to him."

"No, it's about time I face the problem. I came here without the specific credentials they need. It's totally unfair for everybody and might cause an uproar if someone else finds out."

She may have forced a smile, but her croaking voice showed how broken she is from the inside.

"I've only known you for a short period... but it's been a real pleasure that I met and got trained by an extraordinary person like you. It was such a rewarding experience..."

Her tears raced down her cheeks.

"Please... tell the others that I'm sorry for leaving without a word and very grateful for all of their support."

I squeezed her hand and pull her into a hug.

I should be happy because I can finally focus on my original goals without constantly worrying about her wellbeing.

And yet my chest feels heavy at the turn of events.

"Can I visit you from time to time?"

She wrap her arms around my back and look up, smiling and crying at the same time.

"Of course."

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