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I went straight back to Y/N's room and arrived ten minutes earlier than promised. However most of the ceiling lights were already turned off.

The doctor is nowhere in sight as well, so I just assumed he took a bathroom break and will come back soon.

The silence of the heart monitor nearby indicates her heart rate is stable, so I carefully picked the wooden chair to avoid waking her up and carried it next to the bed.

Watching her peacefully sleeping face for awhile kind of relaxed my mind, that my eyelids started to feel heavy.

"Albert... Albert... Albert."

I was walking on an empty paved road within the old training center when I heard someone whisper my name.

It was faint at first, muffled by the sound of the leaves getting swept by a fairly strong breeze , then gradually get louder as I approach the corner.

All of a sudden, a smooth hand held my wrist and squeeze it lightly under the moonlight.

I recognized it as Y/N's hand, however, the skin color and texture change bit by bit, until the silhouette turns out to be a clump of decaying flesh, growling and longing for my neck.

I was too stunned to speak, confused as how she even turned and who gave her the virus.

My questions has been answered as soon as I caught a glimpse of William, standing still not far up ahead.

He's staring down at me, full of bitterness and resentment.

"This is all your fault. Now live with the consequences you piece of shit."


My chest felt tight at the horrible sight.

Y/N's grip is getting stronger as she raises my hand up, attempting to insert my forefinger into her mouth full of blood.

"Albert wake up!"

A gasp left my lips before I could open my eyes completely.

A slight throbbing pain crept up my temples, but a light touch coming from a warm hand made it feel better.

"Are you okay...?"

Y/N's hoarse voice compelled my eyes to follow it and her face showed all signs of concern.

"It's nothing."

"You have to get some rest on a proper bed..."

"I'm fine. It's still early anyway. Did I wake you up?"

"No... I already noticed you're sleeping before you start mumbling under your breath."

"I see. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize. I was worried  about your nape being stretched... have you been dreaming?"

"Could be. I couldn't remember."

I immediately brought the conversation to a close and held her hand to keep it glued on my left cheek.

"I'll order a wheelchair to be delivered tomorrow so that you can breathe fresh air on the rooftop in the mornings."


"You can count on it."

Her excitement slowly faded a minute later.

"I promise to fully cooperate with the doctor's advice... so that I won't become too much of a burden to everyone."

"No one thinks you're a burden. Think of yourself as Sherry. She can't do anything by herself yet except write nonsense on every wall she comes in contact with, but would that be enough to regard her as one?"

Y/N just smiled and locked eyes with me.

"... you're right. Perhaps... I can apply as her baby sitter once I get released."

"That might be the worst job for you. That kid loves to be carried all the time."

"I see... what if I babysit you instead?"

It took me a second to answer for getting tempted by the offer.

Technically, there's no chance that I'll make her work for the Research team, however, having her take care of my daily needs might be a good idea.

"My schedule is hectic. Are you sure you're up for it?"

"I understand... after all, there's no rest for the wicked, right?"

We both laughed at the absurdity of our conversation.

Soft beeping coming from her heart monitor startled her  a little.

She had to calm down to make it stop so I let her getting pale hand go and lay it over the bed to let the blood flow.

Her personal nurse came in shortly and greeted us nervously before apologizing for being late.

"I'm very sorry sir, I overslept because my alarm's battery died. It will never happen again."

I looked at my watch and realize it's almost nine in the evening.

Oftentimes this behavior has repercussions, and she's fully aware that it can even lead to termination.

Fortunately for her, Y/N will back her up if I fire her on the spot. I had no other choice but to stand up in silence to leave them both for the night.

"I'll be back in the morning."

She just nodded and stared at me as I walk away.

"Goodnight and sleep well."

She said as I held onto the doorknob.

"I will. Goodnight."

I shut the door close and let out a deep sigh.

"Don't tell me you were in here all this time?"

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