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Hunk freezing at the sight the girl is exactly what I needed.

Confrontation will only make her feel worse and if we end up in a physical fight in a narrow area, she'll definitely get hurt.

I pressed the button to keep the doors open till Y/N gets in. Hunk reluctantly picked up the box and moved to the left side.

She slowly wiped the tears off of her eyes and thanked him for giving us space.

He only nodded and kept staring at her like he's seen a ghost.

"What are you doing here?"

I casually asked.

"I-I have a package for you."

He handed me the box that may look as wide as Y/N's chair but wasn't as heavy as I thought.

"Good timing. I was just about to look for you. Y/N will need assistance once I leave for work."

"C-come again?"

"I said I need you to look out for her while I'm at work."

"Wait, you've got a lot of explaining to do."

"I agree. But not today."

Before he could start an argument, I focused my attention on the girl on his right.

"Y/N, this is Hunk, one of your former classmates back at training camp."

"Hi Hunk."


I thought they'll start a meaningful conversation, yet when I pressed the top floor button, silence engulfed the three of us as the elevator seamlessly rise till it reached its final destination.

I guess Y/N isn't that comfortable talking to strangers as much as I think. Perhaps it's because he's fully armed.

As the doors open, Y/N alternately looked at us and patiently waited to be pushed out of the elevator.

To my surprise, instead of choosing the obvious route, Hunk snatched the box from my hands and stepped out.

I did the job myself and Hunk quietly followed us into the room.

The doctor was currently clearing up some equipments and the room has become a little more spacious than before.

"Welcome back. You're early, did something happen?"

"Yes. Y/N had been coughing badly after consuming a bowl of tomato soup."

"I see. It's probably indigestion."


We all simultaneously look towards Y/N when she suddenly spoke.

"It was my fault..."

"What do you mean?"

The doctor stopped rolling a cable and paid attention to what she was saying.

"I got embarrassed I accidentally sipped more than I could tolerate... and probably went inside my lungs."

"Oh. Don't worry that's normal."

The doctor laughed it off but the awkwardness surrounding us remained.

I had to take my exit before it gets worse.

"Good thing it wasn't serious. Take a rest or ask Hunk here to entertain you while I'm away. He can do everything."

"We still need to talk-"

"Later. I have to sort out the package you had for me."

I planted a light peck on her forehead before leaving and left without looking back.

Hunk must be fuming deep inside but there's no helping it. I have to set a clear boundary.

The day passed by slower than usual as I examined all three vials of T-virus that William sent.

Labeled as T-JCCC203, it's a new strain that William thinks can eliminate cancer cells without infecting the host.

However, he can only be sure that it will work if he gets to test it directly on humans with specific conditions.

To help lessen his burden while waiting for new developments on the T-002 Model Tyrant, I had spent all morning on experimenting to see how it reacts on sick animals.

There wasn't much changes in the first few hours till my lunch came, until the plates got taken away.

Instead of waiting, I strolled through the empty hallways, and watched two other researchers in scrubs inside reinforced glass windows perform tests on a new infected patient.

His rotting flesh is strapped with leather on the iron bed from neck to ankles.

It was soundproof and if I wasn't looking directly at the patient, I wouldn't have noticed that his right arm is slowly ripping the leather apart and is about to grab the one holding the syringe.

I quickly rushed inside the Anteroom/ airlock lobby before entering the isolation room.

This small area controls the entry and exit of contaminated air when the door is opened, and it allows the researchers to cover themselves with personal protective equipment.

As a standard precaution, I had to wear a full body suit, full face respiratory mask and a pair of rubber gloves just to help them sedate the infected before it's too late.

Fortunately for them, the leather belt held long enough for me to prevent the loss of our limited T-virus researchers.

"Damn that was close... thank you Dr. Wesker."

"Next time use metal restraints. Double it up if needed. Active situational awareness is important as well. You wouldn't want yourself to end up on the bed instead are you?"

I said sternly.

"One mistake and it's over for all of us."

"Y-yes. We'll be more careful in the future."

As soon as the patient has calmed down, I quickly disposed everything into the waste disposal bin and get myself properly cleaned before leaving the area.

The only problem was after all I did, I was unaware that the patient left a shallow scratch under my wrist.

I only realized after going into the restroom and washed my hands after an hour has passed.

The single cut has healed already, however, the sight of blood stain inside the cuff of my white polo shirt only meant one thing.

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