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Y/N's suppressed laugh at the story I made up put a smile on my face. I hadn't even notice that an hour has passed since I began our conversation.

Reminiscing about the past not only brought back memories of our time together, it also helped me realize how stupid I was for letting her go.

I could imagine us ending up like William and Annette, although having a child is the least of my priorities.

"So... what happened next?"

I continued and conveniently left the part where she got kicked out of the school and I had broken my promise.

"We've separated ways. You began working in the city and we transferred over here to continue our research."

"Research of what?"

"Medicines. Mostly antiviral."

"Really...? I had the impression that you're the boss around here..."

I can't help but smirk after catching her quick glance on my slightly exposed chest.

"In a sense, yes. William and I run this place."

"Speaking of which, will I ever see his daughter again...?"

"Of course. But not until you start eating solid foods and get rid of your IV therapy. Children are too unpredictable."

"How long do I have to wait...?"

"Around five days I think. You will have to consume clear liquid diet at first, full liquid a week later, then slowly start to transition into solid after two weeks of pureed diet."

"Does that really mean I won't be seeing her for a month...?

"It's for the best. Besides, you will need a regular physical therapy for your legs."

"I don't think that's necessary..."

"It is if you want to recover completely."

"But it'll cost you even more money..."

I moved the chair closer to reach out for her hand.

"Then I'll be your personal therapist."

"But you're already busy running a company..."

"I have flexible schedule."

A sweet smile formed on her lips.

"If you insist."

After spending a few more hours talking with Y/N about how her therapy will undergo, I called her doctor to look out for her on his regular eight-hour day shift.

"I have to go, for now."

"Will you come back...?"

"Around in the afternoon before the nurse's shift."

Y/N nodded and finally let go of my hand.

The doctor gave me a list of the things he plans to do for today and I approved it before leaving the room.


I changed to my work clothes and meet up with William in his laboratory to set up different visiting hours for all people involved.

However, Annette was already there assisting him so I preferred to leave them alone.

I went back to my lab and checked any change in some of my experiments.

One of the infected rats showed signs of stability, while the rest are trying to destroy their metal cages at the very sight of me.

I spent all morning waiting for the results of the serum I prepared beforehand to calm them down.

The response was different from all sixty of them so I had to document all changes that occurred to every single one of them.

Once I've finished, I remember the lunch that has been brought to me by my female assistant, sitting cold on it's tray at the edge of my desk.

I took three bites of the unsalted boiled egg, two pieces of boiled beans and drank a small glass of cow's milk from the fridge to flush it down my throat.

I left the red meat since I have no time to waste. I had to do some research on fundamentals of physiotherapy.

It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, so it was necessary to seek the advice of an expert in the city.

I was planning on going alone, however, the only mode of transportation is riding a chopper.

There was not much of an option but to ask for Hunk's cooperation.

"Where are we going?"

He asked curiously.

"To the city."

"I mean "where" exactly?"

"At the Raccoon City Police Department where you can park this thing."

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