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I can't believe what I just heard. I had to confirm it directly from the source, yet Y/N is nowhere to be found.

It was during an Executive's congratulatory speech when I caught a glimpse of Y/N's silhouette, when she herself stood up from her seat near the stage and began walking towards the restroom.

I followed suit and waited for her to come out nearby.

My sunglasses, as inappropriate as they may be, proved to be very effective in keeping my eyes and intentions hidden from the public.

Alex coming out to the carpeted hallway in a black, backless and semitransparent gown caught me off guard.

Fortunately for me, she is rummaging through her purse so I had to quietly glide to the men's room to avoid getting caught in a conversation.

I left the door ajar and overheard Y/N talking to another woman. Their vague voices became clearer, the closer they get to the door.

I casually stepped out and our eyes met.

Her pupils dilated for a moment but she hasn't uttered a single word. Somehow, time has stopped as I ran my gaze on her face.

Ironically enough, the smooth jazz music in the background elevated the heavy atmosphere, instead of calming the mood around us.

The usual eager smile painted on her lips whenever she sees me in the past is nonexistent and her shocked reaction gradually turned into a pained expression.

The long roar of applause echoed through the hallways broke our silence and she used it as a distraction to leave me behind.

I completely understand where she's coming from and yet I couldn't bring myself to give her the peace she deserves.

It's been so long since I've seen her and our nonverbal interaction instantly gave me more motivation to fix our situation.

Once the introductions and awards were distributed to the established researchers who have contributed a lot to the expansion of Umbrella's assets, the dinner is served in full course.

I went to my table and waited for the right opportunity to talk to Y/N, properly apologize and move on.

Perhaps that's enough so that I can finally forget her and focus on my original plan. To reach the top of this unstoppable empire and its inevitable world domination.

As the night deepens, the crowd in the dance floor thickens. Some have excused themselves due to family obligations, some I can bet are bored to death.

I, on the other hand had been busy from hopping on every group nearby, till I managed to shorten the gap between me and Y/N.

Unfortunately, as soon as I smell her hair, she runs away like some kind of prey.

I grew tired of the constant pursuit and frequent escapes after a couple of times, so I took matters into my own hands, and pull her into the elevator nearby.

"H-hey! What's the matter with you?"

Y/N frowned and quickly turned around to open the door but I already pressed the top floor.

"We need to talk."

"What for?"

"Everything. First things first. Are you actually getting married at eighteen?"


Her lips hung open and I can't take my eyes off of it.

"I heard someone said that you're engaged."

I just noticed my own reflection in the mirror wall behind, looking down aggressively at her.

The last thing I want is to scare her away. I had to mentally sigh to compose myself.

To my surprise, she just laughed it off. It was long lasting and must have been satisfying for her.

"I'm glad you also found it hilarious."

She wiped her tears away and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I can't believe that you fell for that rumor. Out of all people you should know that rivals would want to taint my reputation to bring Umbrella down."

Her smile faded and her face returned to its serious state.

"Even if it's true, why do you care?"

She wasn't even blinking and I felt a little intimidated by it.

"I'm concerned about your safety."

"That's nice. You never did for YEARS. What changed?"

We had a staring battle for a moment till her eyes start to get moist. I took a deep breath and held both of her cheeks as gently as I can.

"Nothing. You were living in a better environment and I didn't want to ruin it."

"You could've called-and said goodbye."

Her voice cracked a bit mid conversation but she kept it under control.

"But I don't want to."


A simple question yet it was too hard for me to answer. So I conveyed my feelings through other means.

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