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I'd like to thank you all for 1k reads, votes and comments on my book, and the follows. I appreciate them a lot. I'll try to update as fast as possible to avoid making you wait too long for the next chapter.

I also want to apologize for the time skips, mainly to keep track of the storyline and due to underage characters potentially being exposed into adult content.


The incident blew out of proportion within a day when Y/N's father refused my offer on taking her abroad to seek better medical treatment, due to lack of proper equipments.

He clearly took offense after an Umbrella representative came to his house to report what happened and requested for him to sign a non-disclosure contract.

I understand the outrage, however, he made everything worse when he decided to expose her situation to the media and accused Umbrella on trying to cover up the incident, thinking it was an inside job.

It will raise questions against Umbrella themselves, and the Executive Committee had to act promptly and effectively.

Their connections dealt with all potential evidence, such as recordings and footprints, including the witnesses who saw him come into the tv station, the receptionists at the hotel and valet drivers.

I heard the cops had taken them into illegal custody, along with Y/N's father.

The company car she used is brought back to her apartment and they brought some of her belongings to make it look like she took a vacation.

Going to extreme lengths just to hide the fact that a crime has been committed against themselves, made me realize if they actually had known all the atrocities Dr. Marcus have been doing all along.

I don't blame them for protecting their company's image, however, I can't shake the idea that I could've been one of those test subjects, if I wasn't paying attention during that time.

The thought of falling victim and the possibility that he was the one who attempted to kill me, which is the reason why Y/N is in critical condition, enraged me deep within.

It'd only makes sense that he'd retaliate against me after I revealed his crimes and provided assistance on stealing his research to secure a leading position.

However, his actions have always been brushed off because he's one of the founders, and this incident is no different.

I swore an oath to myself that I'll work even harder to rise up and replace him on his position at the company so that he will have no more power left to escape his well deserved punishment.


That night, I visited Y/N's father at his holding cell, as soon as my job was over.

I had no time to change from my work clothes since there's a possibility that he could get discharged before midnight and cause even more problems that could get him killed in the end.

The room is fairly small and the wooden bench is too narrow to lay down. The cold cement floor is clean, but I doubt he's going to sleep on it.

Other cells are empty but despite being alone, there's no such thing as privacy. The metal grills surrounding the area keeps the police officials aware of what he's doing inside.

The dark shadows underneath his eyes, growing beard and unkempt hair are telltale signs that he hasn't slept properly since I talked to him.

"Good evening Mr. L/N. I'm here to bring you home."

"No. I won't fall for your tricks. I've been unlawfully denied of phone calls and detained without valid reason. I'm going to sue everyone involved."

"There's no need to be aggressive. I'm doing you a favor."

"I don't trust you. I'm not leaving without my lawyer."

He remained seated, however, that didn't stop him from shooting daggers at me.

"Mr. L/N, I'm only putting my career at risk because you're Y/N's father. She's on critical condition and we all know she needs you by her side more than anyone else."

"What they're doing was illegal and my daughter deserves justice. If you don't agree then you're no different."

"I told you she needs to be transferred to a more modern hospital. Her life is ticking away and you thought incriminating her place of employment was more important."

His expression softened after hearing my statement but he remained silent.

I left him alone to ponder on his thoughts and went towards the end of the hallway to meet the Umbrella's plant in the station.

One of the Executives helped him to avoid getting prosecuted after two violent aggressions and sexual assaults towards female students.

Instead, they gave him the opportunity to work in the police force due to his academic excellence.

A whiff of stone-baked pizza welcomed me as I barged into the office. The only person inside is sitting on a cushioned chair with his legs comfortably lying on top of his wooden desk.

"Good evening Sgt. Brian Irons. I suppose you already knew my name. I'm here to pick Mr. L/N up for a late dinner."

"Yes. I already received a call earlier."

He lazily sit up and reach for the drawer at the bottom right of the desk.

"Here's the key and please send my regards to your boss."


As I was walking back to the holding cell, the police officer stationed at the reception called my name and mentioned about an emergency phone call.

I rushed past through the holding cell, not as much as a glance inside to give off an impression that I'm going to leave that person behind.

I have this strange feeling that someone else is pulling the strings to bring Umbrella down and those people are manipulating him to make rash decisions.

"It's from someone named William. He said he received a call from the hospital and you need to meet him there as soon as possible."

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