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Three months have passed since I brought Y/N to the laboratory's security operations officer to learn at least basic close combat skills.

The forty-year-old supervisor was skeptical at first since she's still a minor and they have never trained a woman before, however, since I don't think she'll be of any help to me during research, I insisted on her behalf.

Everyone there were skeptical if she can keep up with the assigned tasks and were definitely more worried to physically hurt her on their daily routines, which involves basic exercises such as sparring and running in full gear.

We came into an agreement that she'll not necessarily join their teams after graduation and instead serve me as my personal security detail.

Having her as one would be a huge benefit since she's directly involved with me, unlike anyone working under Umbrella who can easily sell their souls for a good sum of money.

Essentially, she's going to be out of everyone's way while William and I concentrate on the research Dr. Marcus's assistant has given to us.

And that specific task we've been working on was so difficult I totally forgot about her until Hunk delivered something to me early in the morning.

It was around half a meter box with two separate small packages inside. They're both wrapped in brown paper with message cards on the side.

For me and William.

"Thanks. What is this for?"

I simply asked.

Hunk's been an acquaintance since Dr. Spencer suggested that I needed to train for self defense two years ago.

I personally named him Hunk because the boy proved he's a tough guy and it's better to use a code name on his line of work anyway.

Despite being two years younger than me, he proved his worth when no amount of bruises can stop him from taking taller and sometimes experienced opponents down no matter how unfavorable the odds are for him.

"Y/N begged me to give that to you. A Christmas gift."

My left brow automatically rose up in disbelief.


I was about to ask why he's the one who brought it but I changed my mind. He might interpret things differently. Funnily enough, he seems to have read my mind.

"Y/N wanted to give it to you personally but she's still recovering from the injury she sustained from sparring with me."

"Is she dying?"

"I don't think so."

"Good to hear."

I expected for him to leave as soon as I turned around and began reading one of the recent reports on the computer, about the Progenitor virus's effects on different animals being held captive in another facility deep in the Arklay mountains.

Dr. Marcus instructed us find a way to reduce the mortality rate of this special virus and try to develop a medicine out of it.

William and I wholeheartedly accepted the challenge and since then, we've been working nonstop to make it a reality.

Unfortunately, the mail I received stated that there are no survivors on my recent long distance experiment. Even some of the most poisonous animals didn't stand a chance.

The bad news instantly made me feel exhausted.

While writing the new data into my computer, I caught a glimpse of Hunk's face on the reflection of the screen. He's just standing there as if he's waiting for a tip.

"Aren't you busy?"

"Not really."

"Well I am so please excuse me. I have to finish some research that's due tonight."

"Y/N's staying at the clinic for a week at most, in case you want to visit her."

"Why would-"

Hunk swiftly turned around and closed the door before I could complain. I shook my head and ignored him and his suggestion.

I'd rather write more plans for future use than waste time on her. It's counterproductive and time is of the essence.

However, I found myself standing in front of the clinic's door rather than what I ordered for dinner.

It was after I opened the present Y/N prepared and found a dark grey reverse scarf drape inside. It was too fluffy for my liking but it's still way better than the red muffler William got that I threw away soon afterwards.

I kept contemplating if I should come back later but the nurse going out from the door caught me off guard. I had no choice but to turn my back around and pretend I was just passing by.

"Albert, is that you...?"


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