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Time passed and yet no one exited the woods yet.

Due to my itching curiosity, I eventually followed the narrow paved road into the woods; relying only on the faint moonlight shining above the thin blanket of forest.

It's better not to trigger any potential danger far ahead, or make them think someone has came to their aid.

A few minutes later, the grass is gradually taking over so I stopped for a moment and focused on relevant sounds.

However, the deafening silence is a baffling mystery for me, since not that long ago I heard Y/N's scream not far away.

I'm starting to wonder if there's another escape route apart from Y/N's backyard, or they're already dead.

I continued walking around in calculated steps and left a distinct mark on every tree I pass, to ensure that I won't end up getting lost in the wilderness.

A hooting owl broke through the silence and it helped me notice the flattened grass on my left. I turned my flashlight on to check the fresh trail further and not far from where I stood was a muddy white rubber shoe.

Hmm. Interesting. Modern Cinderella in a Snow White setting. I'm intrigued to know which one will I cross paths with. The Huntsman or the wild animal.

Either way she won't survive it.

I should be rejoicing and yet I feel uneasy for some reason. I decided to take that direction to satisfy my inner demons when I suddenly heard a male voice whimpering nearby.

I was torn between going for Y/N's possible location or to someone else trapped inside the maze of woods. In the end I had chosen the latter because there's a possibility he could at least explain what happened.

But there's nothing that could've prepared me for what I'm about to see.


The boy expressed a slight concern at the beaming white light coming from my flashlight so I put it away.


His eyes are terrified of something that he kept looking on every angle and yet he won't open his mouth to say anything.

He is sitting sideways like he broke his ankle so I quickly checked the severity of it. The lower part is starting to swell but fortunately it's nothing serious and he can still manage to walk.

"I stumbled over some tree root."

"What the fuck are you doing in a place like this in the first place?"

"It's... a long story. But please don't mind me. You need to save Y/N before she gets hurt."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement at his request.

"My top priority is to get you to a hospital. We can just call the cops later to look for her."

"There's no fucking time for that!"

That outburst caught me off guard.

"Care to share what happened here?"

"We were attacked by a man dumping a body on a cliff."

William spoke in a shaky tone. He frantically held onto my right arm and continued to convince me to sacrifice myself for her.

"Y/N thought it's better to lure him out there to give me time to escape."

"Then all the more reason to call authorities and get you out of here before he comes back. For sure she can take care of herself in the meantime. I'm not even old enough to be picking fights, let alone with a potential serial killer."

If only I can say directly to him that I couldn't care less if something happens to her. In fact, that's what I'm here for.

"You're tall and strong. Besides, you won a martial arts competition without even breaking a sweat last year. You'll absolutely beat the hell out of that guy."

He kept insisting and I stubbornly held my ground. Until he offered something I couldn't resist.

"This is all my fault. If you help her, I promise I'll do whatever you want."

So Near Yet So Far (Wesker Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now