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I took my time in searching for Y/N's whereabouts, in hopes of finding her lying on the ground.

And that's exactly what I saw when I found her near the lake, but not exactly what I expected to happen.

She was indeed lying down, however, a slender man was slightly lying over her as well. He was unconscious and she's trying to roll him off of her body.

I just watched as she struggled with it, which is partly due to his slippery plastic boiler suits.

When she finally got him out of the way, I realized the guy was already dead. His bloody face, and her terrified facial reaction to my flashlight sums it all up, much to my disappointment.

I figured it would be better to just call the cops and let her rot in prison for the crime she committed, especially when the weapon is still in range but catching a glimpse of the umbrella corporation's logo on the left side of the corpse's chest made me think for a second.

If she talks, then Umbrella Corporation will sooner or later get exposed.

"A-Albert Wesker..."

Y/N's trembling voice derailed my train of thoughts.

Surprisingly she knew my name, but then again, William probably told her about me beforehand. Her watery eyes gleamed with hope as if I'm a hero who just came into her rescue.

So I pretended to be one, by throwing the rock she firmly held into the calm waters, along with the radio I found next to the corpse's feet.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes... thank you."

I helped her get up but she quietly whimpered in pain while caressing her belly. She couldn't even stand up straight. He must've punched her in the stomach or she hit something when she fell down.

Her refusal to admit she needs my help is quite frustrating so I had no choice but to carry her back to William's location by force.

Fortunately she didn't cling her hands over my shoulders and instead kept them over her chest. However, her head is hanging in the air and it's making me uncomfortable.

"You should press your head over my chest or else you'd end up with a neck injury as well."

She reluctantly obliged and avoided my eyes. Her face is red for whatever reason and stuck her eyes in front of us.

I can smell vanilla on her hair which reminded me of what shampoo Alex used when we were kids.

It brought back memories of our childhood where we kept a friendly competition and she always excelled in class more than the others, even against me.


William called behind the tree where I left him as his hiding spot. He wasted no time in apologizing to her while we continued walking through the tall trees, following the marks I left behind.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen..."

The sincerity made me frown. I'm beginning to wonder what he really wanted to achieve by doing this in the first place and what made her think that was a good idea.

"No it's not. Don't worry about it."

She let out a smile and patted him on the head.

"Is he still roaming around?"

William asked worriedly. Y/N clearly froze at his simple question so before he notice the obvious answer, I quickly joined their conversation.

"He's unconscious right now."

"Really? Fuck we need to hurry."

William grunted at his every step and my arms are starting to feel numb. There's no way we're getting out of the forest by foot so I had to take a break and put her down.

I sighed deeply and told them I have to leave alone.

"But why?"

I tried to calm William down by assuring him I'll be back soon.

"I just need to ask for help."

"W-wait, you don't mean to...?"

Y/N asked in a panicking tone.

"No, but I'll have to call a friend who can get us out of here and treat your injuries in absolute secrecy. The problem is I don't think there's a phone booth nearby."

"Y-you can use our phone. Our house is the first one you'll see once you reach the edge of the forest. My dad won't be home till tomorrow afternoon because he's in an important seminar in Seattle. Here's my key."

She handed me a key from her wallet and I proceeded as planned. Alex has friends within Umbrella Security Services. I can finally get William to transfer to the training facility and keep Y/N from talking publicly.

Two birds with one stone.

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