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A knock on the door brought me back to reality. I already feel empty even though she's literally just a phone call away.

I gently wiped her tears off with my thumb and raised her chin up.

"I'll visit you on weekends. If that's okay with you."


"I promise."

I held her hand as I carry her bag, which Y/N instantly broke away once she saw who is standing outside.

Ironically, the same pilot who brought us in is also the one who will bring her back.

I sent him a meaningful stare while Y/N walk in front, and climb upstairs. He immediately shook his head, probably thinking that I'm accusing him of ratting her out.

"Please take good care of her."

He frowned at me in disbelief. I ignored him and jogged past her, to open the metal exit using my id card.

Y/N bid me goodbye as the rotor blades flap, and the chopper start to ascend. I only left after it disappeared from my sight and decided to look for Dr. Spencer.

It didn't take me that much effort to do so since I found him waiting by the door.

"You handled that well."

"I was just doing my job."

"I expect nothing less from you."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you convince the girl to leave?"

"I offered her a job."

Dr. Spencer smirked as he walked around the edge.

"I told her she isn't suitable in the training facility, however, if she really wants to work for the company, she'll fit perfectly as a commercial model for our products."

My lower lip fell in awe.

"Did she agree?"

"She did. Although I had my doubts that she'll accept the offer. She is known to be an upstanding citizen and wouldn't use her connections to achieve her dreams."


"At her young age she's favored by many charity institutions due to her selfless contributions to the community. If she becomes the face of our company, it will be interesting to see how she could turn the tables against our competitors. Particularly on a global scale."

"But how about the incident? Did she sign some kind of agreement to keep it under wraps?"

"The incident huh... are you referring to the unintentional killing of an Umbrella security guard, whom was working for a traitor without authorization from the board of directors? That girl isn't a genius, however, she certainly wasn't a fool either."

His response piqued my curiosity. I doubt he'll share the details but I still asked just in case.

"Does that mean someone is killing people on a whim?"

He turned around with a sly smile on his thin, pale lips.

"Staffs. I received a direct call from your sister and so far, there were three victims. All disappeared without a trace and took place before that girl arrived."

I got too engrossed on my deep thoughts, I barely heard the next thing he said.

"... is quite suspicious as of late. Unfortunately, that slick little thing won't reveal itself as long as I am here. I need you to observe a pattern on their behavior, and report as soon as possible. If exposed to public, it could lead to the company's downfall."

"Who are we talking about?"

Dr. Spencer said the name just before the helicopter returned and picked him up.

It was such a conflicting feeling to choose whether I should use my free time over my new mission or spend it with Y/N.

At the end of the day, I had chosen to stay. It was a hard decision to make but I had to set things straight.

The company right now is my priority. We have to find the root cause of the problem before it blows up in our faces.

Several months have passed since and I still haven't found any evidence of malpractice.

My limited access is what held me back from getting the security data I need so I had no choice but to wait for the opportunity to cross my path.

Finally, on 1977, William Birkin and I were assigned to work directly under Dr. James Marcus, as his personal apprentices.

We were personally transferred to the Arklay Research Facility to continue our own T-Virus research, while Dr. Marcus refused to leave his office.

That was the time where I presented all the evidence I've collected over the years to Dr. Spencer, on how Dr. Marcus has been using the students as his very own test subjects without their full consent.

He promised to investigate further, and will inform me of the results in the future.

Soon after, I began working as a researcher for the Umbrella Corporation.

I got too preoccupied with my experiments that I didn't notice how time flies and that day came.

Umbrella Pharmaceuticals' tenth year anniversary.

The event will be held in the largest hotel in the city, and many people will gather to celebrate it.

Which means Y/N as the face of the brand will also attend.

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