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I've never driven a car that fast due to the high possibility of ending up in an accident, but I know time isn't on my side and the longer I take, the more I'd blame myself for leaving her alone once again.

However, luck is still on my side. I arrived without a hitch, since it's getting late.

Subsequently upon asking the young female receptionist if I can still come in, I am literally running upstairs and through the empty, white corridor.

And there goes William, walking back and forth at the end of the hallway, in front of the ICU.


He called and frantically rushed towards me.

"What happened?"

I tried to catch my breath in a subtle manner and prepared myself for the worst.

"The doctor said Y/N briefly woke up. She immediately called your name as if she's reliving that moment and it triggered a seizure. The doctor had to put her back to sleep to minimize damages."

William was explaining as we jogged towards the room. His mind is most definitely all over the place when he suggested that we should inject her with the T-virus before she dies.

"I also had the same thought. I've tested her DNA once and it seemed promising. No mutations occurred as far as I know. But right in this situation, I'm having my doubts. The latest report isn't as promising as we thought. The Web Spinners lack intellectual capacity and cannot be controlled."

I whispered worriedly. I brushed my fingers over my hair and took a deep breath.

"The doctor said she can only stay in a coma for a few weeks. If she doesn't wake up by then, they might cut off her life support. Time is a luxury we cannot afford."

"I see."

I sighed in disbelief.

"I did my own research and found out that there are some rare cases, that a patient can stay in a coma for several years and still wake up from it. I'm trying to get her father's cooperation for this to happen because we need more time to come up with something stable."

"Did he comply?"

"He's playing hard to get for now. I think he'll change his mind after he hears what happened to his daughter."

"Anyhow, I'm going back to the lab. I suggest you do whatever it takes to extend her life so we can work on better options."

We separated ways only for a couple of days and once I finally got her father's permission to bring Y/N into the lab, William and I began a series of tests and experiments to bring her back.

Although only four people within the facility know her body is being "preserved", myself included.

Hunk has been in charge of the delivery of all the necessary supplies we need for our secret experiments, hidden behind the large crates that are used by other researchers for other purposes.

Our plans are temporarily halted by Dr. Spencer's order to ensure a complete success in battle.

Around 1981, we've managed to create the "Hunter" by fusing human eggs and reptilian DNA through the virus, in spite of time restrictions.

Those creatures were deployed in combat to eliminate remaining survivors more efficiently.

As time goes by, we were lead to believe that we're going in the right direction after expanding our research to a wide variety of creatures that Umbrella has begun selling in masses, to the military.

Seven long years have passed since and new strains have been developed by our team. Yet nothing's changed on Y/N's end, due to the lack of funding.

This gave Dr. Spencer the opportunity to grab total control of the whole Umbrella Corporation and found some evidence that Dr. Marcus was the one who attempted to kill me, and subsequently, planned the same on William and Dr. Spencer for betraying his trust.

However, since this case will affect the whole corporation, William and I, together with two security personnels have been ordered to dispose of him, before he could turn the entire corporation against us in the future.

It was easy compared to the time when there was a whole security training program held within the facility.

The small group of people he was working with and possible accomplices of his crimes were arrested by the security team and were brought to the Arklay lab.

As expected of the most reserved out of all the founders, he was alone in his laboratory, doing new experiments that he never shared to anyone else.

"A-Albert?! What are you doing here?"

Gunshots echoed across the room full of leeches being kept inside small glass containers before I could speak.

I approached him with a smirk in my face and mocked his dying eyes by hunkering down and saying,

"Time to die doctor..."

Meanwhile, William was furious to find out that his initial experiment on leeches back when we were still training, was blatantly stolen from him and for doing so, wasted all those years of research.

"You motherfucker. I'll be taking over your research."

William laughed out loud on his corpse.

We grabbed everything that is of use and blew the whole facility up to get rid of all evidence, before returning to the lab with a new goal in mind.

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