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"Welcome back Albert."

Alex hugged me as soon as the chopper arrived at the rooftop of the Umbrella Training Facility.

I raised a brow at her uncommon gesture but I immediately understood that it's all an act after she did the same to Y/N, whom was a bit fidgety.

Alex didn't mind her bloody shirt and then shook hands with William.

"Have you seen Dr. Spencer?"

"No, he goes home on weekends now."

"Thanks. I owe you one."

"Don't you ever forget you said that."

She grinned at me before going into the helicopter to have a word with the pilot. Another security officer helped them take care of the corpse while Y/N stared in silence.

"You don't have to worry about him. What you did was self defense. Besides, that guy is a murderer himself so you did the world a favor."

Y/N turned her head towards William and swallowed her tears in. My eyes widened at the girl for burying her face into his chest and my forehead creased seeing him hug her back.

"Don't worry, we'll contact your dad tomorrow if that's what you're worried about."

She finally nodded and thanked him as he wiped her tears dry with the back of his hand.

I felt annoyed, probably because I'm a bit concerned that he's going in wrong direction. He should be focusing on his studies more than anything.

I opened the steel door and lead the two downstairs instead of the elevators to avoid prying eyes.

I'm not in the mood to have any kind of questions about them both from anyone working in the facility.

The clock chimed at twelve as soon as we walked out of the training school building and into the dormitory across it, using the narrow road in between rows of pruned hedges, illuminated by yellow light posts on all four corners.

These things separate the cemented walkway and the school grounds covered in sand.

"Albert, are we going to be roommates?"

William asked with a wide smile. I know it's never going to happen because I will do everything in my power to prevent it.

"No. There are too many bedrooms available for each of us. You can even request for one and have a whole floor to yourself if you want."

"Why would I do that? Imagine having nightmares and no one can hear you asking for help."

"You have a point. That's why there's a phone installed on every room for emergency purposes."

"I have a hard time sleeping in a new environment."

I mentally sighed. I can smell the bullshit from far away but I can't openly discuss it in front of the girl. I'm fully aware that William is still too young but he's pushing it and he's stepping on a mighty thin ice.

"I might run away if I get scared."

Catching his subtle side eye made me realize he was referring to Y/N's feelings at the moment.

"Fine. We can share a bedroom for tonight if it's alright with her."

Y/N just looked at me in awe.

While waiting for her response I unintentionally caught a glimpse of small cuts and bruises near her elbows and neck.

Her lower lip was slightly swelling on one side and she's shivering uncontrollably but she never complained about anything so I hadn't noticed it earlier.

That guy probably hit her face and she's gradually losing the adrenaline rush.

"It's okay..."

Even her voice is fading and sounded hoarse.

"Let's move."

Once we've arrived to the main entrance, I climbed a low flight of stairs and inserted one of the keys into the wooden front door painted in white.

"Get in. Someone will arrange the rooms you'll occupy later on but for now we'll share the biggest room available upstairs."

Fortunately, a room at the third floor that was formerly used by twins was readily accessible.

There are two double bed white mattress over solid wood frames on opposite ends, a four seater brown leather sofa in the middle, and two singles across it with cushions on one side.

The closets are placed next to the bathroom wall a few meters ahead and the first aid kit is located over the bathroom sink. I took the red bag out to treat Y/N's minor injuries and gave William one of the towels hidden underneath.

"Go clean yourself up first."

He quietly obliged and I looked for clean clothes that could fit his size. I can feel Y/N's gaze so I thought I'd let her choose what to wear by herself.

"The staffs will provide everything you'll need tomorrow morning."



"I really appreciate everything you've done for us. I can't even imagine what would have happened if you didn't come to help us."

"It's nothing. But I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself for the meantime till we get you a lawyer, since anything you say can be held against you in court."

"I understand."

She whispered and forced a smile.

"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, how did you find us?"

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