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Thank you for all your votes. I'm sorry for making you wait long.


"I've been looking for you all day!"

As frustrating as it can be, I had to hold unto my composure.

Y/N is about to sleep next door and any arguments made in this room will still resonate on the wall.

"William, don't act like my you're my wife or something. Can we just talk again tomorrow?"

"Remember you told me to not care on whatever you say if it is important?"

"Unless it's life changing I don't have the energy."

"I finally found the best place to test the antivirus's rate of effectiveness to several patients."

I immediately gestured my hand to make him zip his mouth shut and lead him out.

After checking the hallway, I closed the door and asked about the details.

"An acquaintance told me that there's a hospital situated near a river with a small suspension bridge, that connects it with a forested mountain path."

He paused to breathe out of excitement.

"Go on. I'm listening."

"The hospital director there is his distant relative, married to a woman that has been diagnosed with a terminal illness."

"Wouldn't it trigger a vengeful individual if anything goes wrong?"

"No. The guy's quite desperate so he's willing to sacrifice other patients with similar conditions for the sake of research."

"Non-voluntary human trials tend to get south real quick. Do you have an alternative plan if they turn against you in the long run?"

He reluctantly gave an answer.

"Well... I'm depending on Irons' ability to handle that."

"I don't think we should be relying every single thing to Irons. There's a high probability that someone will realize he's been screwing up things around them. Eventually."

His right eyebrow raised while he was looking on the carpeted floor.

"If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears for it."

"...I've been thinking about this for awhile now but Y/N woke up so I'm having doubts."

"Do tell."

William's voice have gone lower as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was planning on infiltrating the government. Irons can handle anything police related but if things escalate to nationwide level, we will be dealing with the Army and it'll be too late to fix it."

"Wait, but isn't that the reason why Dr. Spencer gives them our all out support? To build connections?"

I mentally sighed before I continued.

"That's the thing. Dr Spencer is handling a branch in a foreign country. If we screwed up, they're going to use us as scapegoats. As much as it sucks for us, it's the logical choice."

"But how about your research?"

"Others can carry on with what we've started. Tyrants aren't as complicated as what you're currently working on so I figured I have to keep you all safe from potential threats."

"Appreciate that but Dr. Spencer might not."

"I thought I'd talk to him directly one of these days. We need eyes and ears before something happens."

William's eyes darted towards the door and asked what I've been dreading to answer.

"Sad that you're going to leave Y/N again. Why do I feel like this had become a habit of yours?"

I find it hard to rebut that statement.

"Yeah. That's why my mind is divided if I should stay or leave. "

William shook his head and sighed softly.

"I know you have a heart of steel but if you feel pity at least, it's better to protect her directly than hope for someone to step up while you're miles away. If my family needs me, I can't be in two places at once."

"You're right. I guess I'll just have to recruit another person to do the job."

"Really? You better keep your word or else, you wouldn't get another chance. Even without her past memories, Y/N will never forgive you if after abandoning her at that state."

"I know."

William gave me a head to toe glance and a smirk before approaching the elevator.

"There's no need to dress up that fancy just to visit your neighbor. Next time don't make it so obvious."

"Shut up. I went out to do some research with Hunk this afternoon."

William swiftly look back with his jaws wide open.

"Oh shit I forgot to tell him about Y/N. He's going to have a heart attack for sure."

He glided across the empty hallway to reach for the elevator.


William's forefinger hung in the air, just an inch away from the elevator button.


"Can you keep this between us for now?"

"O...kay... but why though?"

"Have you heard that Hunk is supposed to go to a Military Training Center on Rockfort Island?"

"Yeah, but what's with the secrecy?"

"He'll refuse to do so if he hears about Y/N's condition."

"So what? He might be able to help her regain some of her memories."

"You know that'll do her more harm than good."

William's deep frown slowly disappeared on his forehead, then laughed out loud.

"Wait a minute... are you seriously trying to eliminate competition?"

"Don't twist my words. It's a direct order from Dr. Spencer."

"Yeah yeah. I get it. See you tomorrow lover boy."

He opened the elevator and stood inside with a wide grin on his pale face.

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