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Y/N is brought to an intensive care unit and is constantly being monitored by the same doctor and his staffs.

I remained there to look after her, particularly over the instances where the nurses need to take a break, to avoid any further public exposure.

The doctor received a call from Dr. Spencer himself and he requested for them to keep the incident under wraps until the investigation is over.

Fortunately, they understand the severity of the situation.

Hunk arrived soon after and didn't hold back as soon as he entered the room, despite the large amount of equipments lying around that are crucial for Y/N's recovery.

His fist flew and hit my jaw before I could react.

As a result, my back slammed against the wall and caused the empty white vase, sitting over a circular wooden table nearby to collapse on the tiled floor.

"The audacity to come here after what you did."

It stung for a moment but not as bad as I imagined. I slowly picked up my sunglasses and fixed it back in place.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't act stupid. You've always wanted to find a valid reason to get rid of her."

"Believe it or not, I did not see this coming."

Hunk scoffed under his gas mask. Even under these circumstances he wouldn't give anyone the slightest opportunity to betray him.

"Oh do you mean you're disappointed that someone else beat you to it?"

"Nonsense. I would never hurt her."

"Physically yes. Emotionally, I beg to disagree."

I only frowned at him. His grudge against me is very much alive since he trusted me to prevent her from leaving that day.

"I let her go because it's what's best for her. The agreement she made with him was of her own accord."

He paused for a moment and I thought he'd finally drop the subject.

"Unbelievable. I'm not referring to the hardships she has faced back in the training facility. I'm talking about not once you ever paid her a visit. Even Birkin attended her birthday party and to think that guy is already dating someone else."

I opened my mouth, only to close it back without saying a word. I was aware of it but instead of engaging, I had chosen to let my brain win over my emotion.

There's a lot of things happening at that point and I'm completely immersed in the series of events.

Dr. Spencer planned to bring William and I to his secret laboratory, after we successfully stolen Dr. Marcus's newly created virus strain called the T-virus per his request.

It has the potential to work better than the original due to its lower fatality rate, making it easier to develop bioweapons that will benefit the military in general.

In return, Dr. Spencer gave us full authority over his laboratory and subsequently introduced his long time test subject.

A woman who has been infected by the Progenitor-B virus for 25 years, which in my knowledge, has never been done before.

At the time Dr. Marcus proposed the concept of combining different types of viruses to create new Progenitor strains, Umbrella did not waste time to obtain the most sought after sample of Ebola virus from a recent outbreak in Africa.

William is planning to combine it with the original to create a new strain and I'm all for it.

The passion I almost lost due to fruitless attempts to get that virus to work the way I wanted to is suddenly restored.

Everything is falling into place around the time. I cannot afford to lose momentum at this point.

"... she's living a good life and the second you step in, somehow she ends up half dead. The impeccable timing is quite sickening to be honest."

Hunk continued, anger still burning in his voice.

"I said you're mistaken. We've been ambushed and he's still on the loose."

"Which wouldn't happen if you hadn't dragged her into that position. You only have yourself to blame."

"I know that's why I'm going to bring her back."

I sighed deeply and grab ahold of the wooden chair near the bed with my two hands.


"I have a plan. But you have to find and apprehend the perpetrator to ensure her safety. Meanwhile, I'll make arrangements to move Y/N's body to an isolated location."

"Sounds convenient for you."

"Want to swap places?"

"You better be telling the truth or I'll follow you to the ends of the world and make you pay."

"How much do you need?"

I said sarcastically.

"I don't need your fucking money."

He gritted his teeth for a second and eventually toned his voice down as soon as he turned his head towards Y/N's bed.

He watched her sleeping face, mostly covered with bandages.

"I'll do anything if you promise me you'll do whatever it takes to help her recover completely."

"Better get to work then."

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