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August 1975

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August 1975

15 years old Wesker

I sometimes wonder how the world would sound like if there's no dumb kids loitering around. The way the students are way past that range yet they still act like one is beyond me.

Oh I can't wait to leave this school and start working to cleanse this world of ignorant fools.

"Shoot, everyone's melting under your intense gaze."

I only shrugged my shoulders and turned around at the owner of that voice.

"You're full ten minutes late William. I had to endure harassment because you wanted me to wait for you here in the cafeteria rather than the library."

"I'm sorry but I can't help it. My favorite basketball player had a competition today and I've been looking forward for this for months."

I raised a brow at the child prodigy assigned to me to look out for as per Dr. Spencer's request, to avoid any distractions. He was a genius and the only one to rival my grades in academics despite him being two years younger.

"You shouldn't waste your time with such insignificant things. The exams are around the corner and the Umbrella execs will soon pick the best among us. You wouldn't want to miss the opportunity aren't you?"

"I know but can you blame me though?"

William grinned as he eagerly pointed outside the wide window.

I followed his hand and saw a girl dressed in a pair of green basketball jerseys, walking alongside a large group of noisy crowd while wiping the sweat off of her face.

Her exposed skin on her legs and arms are glowing from the sunlight as she pass by the open pathway connecting the covered court and the cafeteria.

I raised my gaze higher and our eyes met. I expected the typical response where the other party will start flirting with me, ignoring everyone else in the area.

Perhaps it's a perfect timing. William will lose interest as soon as he realizes she's not worth it.

However, not even a minute later, she already broke our eye contact and inserted her white towel inside her black backpack like nothing happened.

Afterwards, she looked up again and passed us like she didn't notice there's a six footer standing right inches away to the door.

I never felt intimidated before. I unclenched my jaws to maintain my composure as I watched her approach the counter and politely asked for a sandwich.

"That's what I thought."

"Nonsense. You're risking it all for someone irrelevant."

"She's what you can call my guilty pleasure."

"That will be the cause of your own undoing. Come, we're behind schedule."

We went straight to the library to continue our self study to keep his mind occupied.

William's enthusiasm is as strong as ever but to make sure he's not going anywhere, I had to get rid of the potential distraction.

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