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I took my sunglasses off and searched for any visible symptoms such as dilation of tiny blood vessels in white part of my eyes, in front of the bathroom mirror.

When I saw nothing, I immediately unbuttoned my shirt and checked for any reddish swelling spots on my skin, particularly the one that's warm to the touch and have bubbles underneath the skin.

Infected areas will produce intense pain that may cause fever and signs of dying tissues will eventually show up.

Different test subjects had shown a variety of results, some in under an hour, and for a few, a week at best. For me, it's still unclear, due to the lack of obvious symptoms.

Should I gamble on staying then end up hurting Y/N, or leave and wait it out in a secluded island?

I could already imagine her disappointment.


"Hey Albert. Haven't seen you in a while."

One of the U.S.S. (Umbrella Secret Security) Patrol Team came in and casually entered a stall after I nodded.

I'm nowhere in the mood to play nice to my pawns, so I promptly stepped forward to leave.

"How's it going?"

I didn't answer.

"By the way, have you seen Hunk? I've been looking for him all morning."

My right hand hung in front of the doorknob, and contemplated which path should I take.

Lying or leaving.

"Why do you need him?"

I curiously asked.

"I received a request from Dr. Alfred Ashford. He's looking for security members fit to train in Rockfort Island's Military Training Center."

"Same thing I've heard awhile back. I already told Hunk about that offer but he refused."

"What a wasted opportunity."

The flushing water filled the air and prompted me to avoid any more interaction.

As I was walking down the hallway back to my lab, I spotted William walking towards my position, eyes stuck on the folder he's holding on his left hand.

"William, do you have a minute?"

His frown can be seen all the way to my location.

"Yes, why?"

"We need to talk."

"Is it important? I have a meeting in less than ten minutes."


Eye to eye contact is more than enough to make him move to the nearest elevator.

I pressed the top button to allow us to talk privately without jeopardizing his schedule.

"What is it?"

"I may have been infected by the T-virus."

He almost choked on his own saliva and I can't blame him.

"Are you serious? How?"

"There's been an accident. I won't elaborate but I'll need a place to stay while documenting everything as long as possible."

"Show me the affected area."

I slowly lifted my sleeve and showed him the red stain on my white shirt's cuff.

"Where's the wound?"

"It's healed already."

"Wait, what? T-virus wound never heals. How long have you been infected?"

"An hour ago."

"What the fuck? And your six foot lean ass thought it's wise for us to talk in a confined space like this?"

"Relax. No symptoms have shown yet though it might appear later."

William's face softened as he circled around me.

"Unbutton your shirt. I need to

I took my shirt off and he scrutinized every inch of my upper body.

"This is mind blowing. You're not rotting."

"Heh. Thanks for the compliment. However, there's no certainty that I won't turn the next day or within a week."

"Are you really infected or you just think you are? Perhaps you scratched yourself somewhere else."

"If you're in doubt just check the footage where I helped some researchers in dealing with a new participant."

William pushed the elevator door button to keep it from opening as soon as we reached the top floor.

"Say I give you the address of my grandparents' villa, how would you tell Y/N you're about to leave her again?"

"I'm still working on it."

"Well do it faster because we don't have all the time in the world."

"I should probably marry her."

William's jaw dropped.

"That escalated quickly. My doubts on your intentions just rose up to eighty percent."

"Believe it or not, I'm not making this up. I was thinking if I'm going to... hmm, might as well let her inherit everything I possess. And I'll give you all access to my projects."

"Damn Albert... are you really going to die...?"

I faked a smile while inserting both my arms inside my polo shirt's sleeves, and began fastening buttons up to the middle and let it hung.

I'm planning on changing anyway, before I prepare all my belongings in a suitcase in case of untimely departure.

"If things get worse, use me as an experiment. Just swear to me that you'll do anything to help her."

All of a sudden, William hugged me while mumbling incoherent words.

I couldn't see his facial expressions, however, his back is clearly stiff enough to be noticed at the elevator door's reflection.

I'm assuming a grownup like him is trying hard not to cry.

I let him stay that way longer than he should, even though deep inside I'm slowly getting suffocated by the tightness of his embrace.

All of a sudden, the elevator opened.

I kind of expected Hunk to be the one standing at the opposite direction, however, seeing Y/N on her wheelchair, smile gradually fading away and staring at us with her eyes wide open doesn't belong to the equation.

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