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I kissed her forehead ever so lightly and savored that intimate moment between us, hoping that she would stay still as long as possible.

If I could only tell her that she's constantly in my mind, despite how hard I try to forget by working till I pass out each night.

But once I cross that threshold, there's this unwavering uncertainty that the relationship won't last forever.

A huge part of it is her love of humanity and my lack of empathy.



"Someone might see..."

My eyelids snap open at the realization that everyone inside the control room is on high alert, and probably watching us through the screen.

Even so, every fibre of my being doesn't want to let go. However, she took the matter into her own hands and broke our connection.

"I'm confused. You ditched me for years I thought you won't even remember I existed even if we meet again, then chase me everywhere like I owe you money."

She sighed deeply.

"Do you like me or not? I'm trying my best to move on because I realized the feelings wasn't mutual a long time ago. What you're doing isn't helping at all."

Her indirect confession caught me off guard.

"I'm sorry. I never cared about anyone else besides my priorities in life so this is an uncharted territory for me. I thought I can just brush it off but I admit it wasn't easy."

I said remorsefully. I cursed myself for letting my intrusive thoughts win and now it complicates things.

She lowered her calculating eyes before turning her back on me and faced the door.

"You know what, I never imagined this will be our first kiss. At least swear to me that this won't be the last."

She tried to hide her smile but the wall mirror on her right side exposed it. This must be a sign. I won't let her get away this time.

My brain is still in the process of figuring out how to make things better when the elevator opened prematurely, and nothing could have prepared me for what happens next.

A tall man wearing a nice pair of black suits and mask showed up and immediately pointed a pistol straight to my face.

Before I could react, Y/N tried to grab the gun and threw herself on the bullet's path. Nothing ricocheted out in the open, so it only meant one thing.

The perpetrator immediately fled the area as soon as her body fell over my arms.

The door automatically shut close and continue to rise, while I press my palm over her bullet wound.

It is located at the middle of her left skull, beelined with her temple.

My other hand is shaking as I reach for the radio underneath my suit jacket and called for help.

One of the security guards instantly picked up and relayed my message to one of the pilots on standby at the rooftop.

A few seconds later, a man in dark blue uniform with black helmet and chemical mask carrying an AK-47 is standing right next to the elevator and assisted on carrying Y/N to the chopper.

He was asking me questions but my mind is too preoccupied to answer.

The emergency medical personnel were already waiting atop the nearest hospital with a stretcher.

"Thank you for keeping the blood loss as low as possible. We shall take it from here."

The doctor told us to stay put and rolled the stretcher inside while one of them secured her airways.

"Do you think she'll make it?"

The pilot asked. The answer is obvious and yet no words came out of my mouth. A call kept him busy as I watch the blood trickle down my hands.

Perhaps I managed to control the blood flow, however, its also possible that I caused pressure on her blood vessels that could lead to internal hemorrhage.

"Sorry man but I have to go. Is it okay if I leave you here alone?"

I only nodded in return. He received an order to extract the VIPs from the hotel so he went back there straight away.

Meanwhile, I eventually entered the hospital and sat in front of the emergency room after filing some papers at the reception.

It took almost five hours for the doctor to finish and base on his body language alone, the result is not what I hoped for.

"I'm so sorry, we tried our best but the lack of better equipment and knowledge made it impossible to take the bullet out."

"Is she...?"

I couldn't bring myself to say it. After all, it was my fault for forcing her into that situation.

"Miraculously, she's still breathing, considering the fact that the bullet is still lodged in her brain. She's lucky it hit her left skull in an odd angle, thus, reducing the speed and momentum required to burst the blood vessels at the back of her head."

A sigh of relief escaped my chest.

"We put her in an induced coma to prevent complications for now. You have to find a doctor who can remove the bullet as soon as possible. Please take note that it's only recommended for several weeks. The longer she's in medication, the higher the risks of permanent brain damage."

I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Can she survive the surgery?"

There was a minute of deafening silence before the male doctor sighed softly as he massaged his forearms.

"It's fifty-fifty, depends on her will to live and only if there's a doctor whom is willing to ruin his career to take the challenge. Please understand that this is a rare case. 90 percent of the time, people just die right away."

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