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Y/N's eyes automatically turned over my direction as soon as I stepped inside.

The monitoring device that shows her heart rate looks normal, however, her face tells another story.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't control it."

I quickly took a box of wet tissues over the shelf nearby and sat on a swivel chair to wipe her cheeks dry.

"Sherry, she's injured and needs rest. Could you please go to your dad for now?"


Y/N replied and slowly smiled at the girl holding unto her thin cotton blanket.

"If she wants to stay, it's fine with me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Well... only if her mother doesn't mind."

The door opens again and fortunately for me, William came back around to fetch his daughter.

Y/N seemed a bit upset, however, in my opinion, it's too dangerous for her to push her luck.

I only nodded at him after he bid us both goodbye but she forced to raise her right hand at least above her waist, to wave back at the kid.

"By the way, does my family know I'm here?"

Y/N spoke under her breath. I guess there's no hiding it. I just hope she isn't as vulnerable as before, or worse.

"You're an only child and your father used to take care of you. It must've been hard for him that he eventually left without a word a few years ago."

She visibly swallowed a lump in her throat but to my surprise, no tears have flowed.

"How long has it been since? I mean... when I fell into a coma?"

"The doctor didn't tell you?"


"Almost a decade ago."

Her jaws fell and I assume it's due to disbelief. Understandable though. Even I never thought she'd make it without the help of the virus we're working on.

"I'm sorry, I know it's a lot to take but we're doing everything we can to help you recover."

"Why are you doing this...? It must've cost you a lot of money to take care of me... e-even my own father gave up already."

She asks in a cracked voice as she stares directly on my face.

"Do I have to state the obvious?"

All of a sudden, her eyes blinked a few times before avoiding my intense gaze, and ran it elsewhere.

Not that there's anything to see apart from the medical equipments that are all connected to her.

"I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back to normal."

She just sighed softly and smiled bitterly.

"... even if you do, I don't think I'll be able to repay you. As you can see... even if I regain my memories, my body still isn't going anywhere."

"You don't have to pay. Let's just say your insurance covers everything and I intend to fulfill its obligations."

She finally let the topic go and requested for water instead.

I left her to get one mineral water bottle at the adjoining room's small fridge and when I returned, she's scratching the skin around the small, sticky patches connected to an electrocardiogram.

"Can you drink on your own?"


I handed the small bottle over after opening it for her. However, her grip wasn't as strong as of yet so I held the weight while she drank slowly.

Dirty thoughts start forming inside my head that I had to suppress, due to her exposed chest. It took her awhile to consume a quarter and it felt like torture.

As soon as I retrieved the bottle, I called her private nurse to ask for assistance. It was still early for her shift, so I had to apologize and consider it an overtime.

The woman in her forties was ecstatic to learn about the development and rushed over.

She helped clean Y/N's whole body using a small box of moist towelette and gently brushed her teeth afterwards.

I made myself busy by reading the doctor's notes, repeating the same thing over and over until the middle aged nurse finished applying petroleum jelly on certain parts of the patient's body to minimize dry skin.

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome. If you need anything, you can alert me by pressing this nurse button hanging on the bed's side rail."

She excused herself soon after and went back to her bedroom to prepare for work in an hour.

"I should probably leave so you can take a rest."

"I'm fine... can you please stay a little bit longer?"

"Of course."

"... and would you mind if I ask you to tell me more about yourself, and how we've met...?"

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