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Aren't you a pain in the neck? I thought.

I stared at her face while thinking of an explanation. Her eyes began to feel uneasy and her cheeks flushed red. Yet she won't break our gaze at all unlike before.

I guess there's no escaping it. The last thing I'd need is any form of suspicion coming from her. Especially if I have to keep her mouth shut.

"I went stargazing."


"Is there a particular reason why it can't be done alone?"

"N-no, of course it's fine. William had the same idea so I thought I'd accompany him."

That crafty little kid... William is down bad I have to end it. Perhaps it's better to just take her attention away from him instead of arguing with him every single time.

She coughed softly and excused herself to look for water in the mini fridge around the corner. It was empty and the power is off. I inserted the power cord into the wall socket and turned it on for future use.

"If I remember correctly, there are water bottles inside the storage down the hallway."

She accompanied me limping as if I'd disappear as soon as I walk out of the door.

"You're hurt. You should stay in bed."

"I'm sorry... I just need to take my mind off on things."

I sighed to calm myself down. I might've sounded harsh to her so I tried to give her some assurance.

"Don't worry. You're safe here."

I offered a hand and she reluctantly grab ahold of my arm.

"Can I really stay here for free? With no requirements or conditions that need to be fulfilled? I mean... my dad barely afforded to pay for my school and this place looks exclusive."

"I'm the one who recruits new scholars. The CEO himself trusts me with this job. If I say you can stay here until graduation, no one's going to question it. However, you need to work for it just like how it's done at your previous school."

"But... isn't the guy I offed works here? I recognized the logo on his clothes and the logo they had on the rooftop... we saw him dumping some kind of a bodybag over the cliff."

She whispered and looked down. I'm surprised she wasn't as naive as I thought. I raised her chin up to get her full attention.

"They only experiment on rodents. You might've mistook it to something else."

"He strangled me hard. I think that's the course of action of a guilty person."

"Criminals come from all walks of life. It's hard to pick the rotten from the good apples. I have no idea what circumstances had lead to that but I'm willing to testify for your defense if you need."

Her eyes widened and a tear rolled down her left cheek.

"I don't know how to thank you enough for all you've done for me."

"One day I'll make you pay."

I was serious and she laughed. The kind of sound that's music to the ears.

"I hope I can return the favor someday."

"I'm looking forward to that."

I opened the storage door with one of my keys and gave her a bottle of water. Then we returned back to our room with a box for future use.

As soon as I opened the door, William is already standing in front, dressed in a pair of grey, pajamas. His eyes are firmly stuck on Y/N's hand clamped on my arm.

"Where have you been?"

"I had to bring supplies."

I showed the box and he eventually understood the message. Meanwhile, Y/N dragged her legs to the bed nearby and started drinking quietly.

"I'm sorry Y/N... does your belly still hurt?"

"A little bit."

William quickly come to her aid and sat on the spring bed. I left them alone to take a quick bath. It's almost an hour past twelve and I have to get up early the next day to report directly to Dr. Spencer.

I wiped my body with one of the towels inside the cabinet next to the sink, then put on a white sleeveless undershirt and black cotton pants I took from the closet.

I left the bathroom while wiping my hair dry. The wet strands as usual covered up my field of vision and is the reason why I keep it brushed up all the way to the back of my head every time.

Y/N stood a meter away, hugging her pair of white pajamas. She was staring at me like some kind of strange creature and when I did the same her face turned bright red.

"Albert, is there a way to get ourselves some food? I'm starving."

"Sorry but you have to endure it. The kitchen is only accessible for a certain period of time and it's automatically locked afterwards. Even I don't have the key for that."

I slowly laid my back on the bed and he joined me without inhibitions.

"You aren't going to let anyone take her away, are you? That guy is clearly working for Umbrella Corporation and they could put her in jail with all their power once they realize what happened."

"That's why I asked for my sister's help. They can bury the evidence tonight to avoid prosecution from both sides, but she needs to stay here to prevent her from leaking any information to anyone who could potentially blow this thing out of proportion."

"Whew. I'm glad I have you by my side."

"She almost died. Your recklessness lead to this series of events. You have to take responsibility for your actions."

"Yeah... you're right. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused. As promised from now on I'm gonna focus on anything you want me to do."

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