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"Care to join?"

I offered my position but Hunk only quietly stepped back, while holding his hands up.

"I'm always one step closer to the brink of my insanity whenever you ask a favor from me."

Hunk said as he shook his head.

I can literally picture the grimace under that mask even if it's totally hidden from my sight.

A smile crept out of my mouth.

"Aren't you lucky to get a free tutorial that might be of use in the future?"

"What could you possibly gain from doing this?"

"You'll understand soon enough."

"Don't tell me you're switching careers?"

Irons raised his head from the hole it's shoved in and frowned at me.

"Of course not. This is pivotal to my research."

"May I suggest one thing?"

The therapist politely interrupted our conversation, smiling widely.

"You should do try it on me so I could react accordingly."

"Yeah, you do that while I take a nap."

Irons said before sinking his head down once again.

Hunk on the other hand, refused to accompany me inside the room next door.

"Suit yourself."

I simply said. The woman lead the way to an identical narrow room and closed the door.

"If you want your guinea pig to stay alive afterwards, you need to control your strength."

She requested for me to take my suits off and roll my left sleeve up over my elbow.

"Start off like this, then add pressure gradually. We can't risk you ending up in jail for breaking someone else's bones."

Those soft fingers slide over my arm vein, almost hovering over while she tells me what to do, step by step.

Her sultry voice seems to become even more huskier as she closes the gap between us by squeezing inch by inch, till she reached my upper arm.

"Now try doing the same thing on me."

She bites her lower lip as she gave freedom to her long, blonde hair and lays over the leather massage table, regardless of whether the black, thin fabric that's covering her lower private area was in my line of sight or not.

I did not hesitate a bit since it works on my favor. However, I had chosen to do it on her legs instead.

The graph displayed on the plain, white wall showed a specific location where my fingers are supposed to press.

It follows a curved path upwards at the middle side of the leg, between the bone and back muscle.

"Ah yess that feels really good... harder please..."

All of a sudden, her long, slender legs spread wide open, causing her mini skirt to crease up the corner of her hips.

"By the way, how can you tell you're not overdoing it if your patient's leg is numb from injury? What exercises are needed to be performed every session? Last but not the least, I'd like to know the length of each intervals."


She quickly rose up to sit and ran her fingers over her hair in annoyance.

"Are you for real?"

"Why, did I do something wrong?"

"No, but did you come here to gather evidence of us doing some shady business or what?"

"What made you come into that conclusion?"

"You look like you're testing me."

"I could care less what you do for a living. All I need to know is how to treat a patient with neurological problems."

"Why don't you just hire an expert? Why go through all this, when you're talking about years of practice to get the job right?"

Why indeed. I thought.

We've hired a few people in the past and they have no qualms about the setting because they receive enough payment for it.

However, they already knew the situation and I don't want anyone else to start questioning Y/N with things that she doesn't even know.

"I want to do it myself."

"Is she that important?"

"How did you—?"

"Simple. No man can resist me and you don't look like you're into men either. The only logical reason left is you're already taken by someone so important, that you can't even cheat on her back."

I was at a lost for words.

Obviously, my feelings have been driving me to work hard all these years, but I never had someone pointed this detail out in the open.

She let out an exasperated sigh and took something out of her coat's side pocket.

It was a business card with her name written on it.

Veronica Smith.

"Since you're a rare find, I'm gonna help you for free. You can also contact me anytime if you have questions."

"You have my gratitude."

After showing me the basics using her own assistant for an hour, Hunk and I left Irons in the building as fast as we've arrived.

The therapist called a cab for us and we returned just in time.

Hunk tried to follow me inside but his superior saw him walking down the stairs, and received an order to refill the gas.

Perfect timing.

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