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Was all I can say. It's extremely awkward to see various types of flowers decorating the narrow space in between a wooden desk and single bed yet my hands are empty after receiving a gift from her.

"How are you?"

Y/N's bright smile lit the room. I rarely see it but to be that happy at her current situation is totally amusing to watch.

I excused myself and walked past the medical staff. She then offered for me to sit on a cushioned chair near the bed.

It was still warm enough for me to deduce that someone else had been sitting there for a while.

"That should be my line. What happened?"

"It was an accident and my fault actually. I had a rough time the day before so my hands are quite sore. I twisted a muscle but it's not that painful now compared last week."

I ran my gaze over her exposed elbow, down to her fingertips. A couple of those are wrapped with bandaids. The bluish bruises that are gradually turning into light shades of yellow are still visible on her skin.

"You should rest whenever you can."

Our eyes met and she gave that look of curiosity, yet she chose not to say it.

"Thank you for the gift. I appreciate it."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I'm surprised you found time to buy us something for the holidays."

Her face turned red almost instantly.

"No... I actually made those."

I was speechless. If that's the case then I have no choice but to give William his present or it will come back to bite me in the future.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"Your girlfriend might misunderstand it. I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Hah. I'm quite preoccupied with my research I honestly got no time for anything else."

"I... see. If you don't mind can I ask what you've been working on?"

"I'm trying to make a vaccine for a new virus strain."

Her lips fell in awe.

"That's so cool, you're still so young and yet you're already making a name for yourself."

I didn't expect her to praise me but it felt good to have someone genuinely appreciative of my hard work.

"Truth be told it's an arduous task. I still haven't gotten nowhere, however, I don't plan on stopping any time soon."

My words seemed to have put a sweet smile on her face.

"Thank you for sharing. I admire your commitment and dedication. It motivated me to work harder so that I can also produce better results for everybody's sake."

I somehow feel bad for forcing her into that kind of environment. Her father thought she'd be under a research program, not a punching bag of men who were being trained to prevent terrorism.

"I can spare some of my time to help train you on weekends."

I generously offered and she agreed without hesitation. I gave her a phone number that she can contact me directly on where and when we can meet up, then I began to teach her just a day before New Year's Eve.


It was supposed to be a simple procedure. Find an empty space, observe what she had learned all this time and critique her performance.

An hour long session is more than enough.

The next time we meet, I'll teach her better counter attack strategies and how to utilize her strength with minimal efforts.

It's also necessary to maintain stamina especially when her opponents are more skilled and experienced than her.

However, much to my dismay, one of the researchers completely ruined my plan for the night.

"Holy shit!"

A male voice got startled after I opened an unlit conference room, down the end of the first floor hallway in the research facility.

It's was supposed to be empty. Every student are required to stay in the dormitory on weekends and they happily oblige.

Who wouldn't when most of them can enjoy their free time as long as they're being responsible and respectful of their neighbors.

Y/N gasped at the unpleasant sight. The dim yellow light coming from the hallway gave us a glimpse of what's going on inside.

A grown man, leaning on a wall next to the door, pants down all the way to his ankles and his white shirt all unbuttoned.

In front of him is a young girl, squeezed in between him and the wall, sweating and panting heavily. Her exposed legs are clamped around his waist, while her red dress is pushed up over her hips.

My instinct was to prevent making a scene out of it.

The last thing I need is the committee associating me as one of the troublemakers, which will definitely lead to investigations about Y/N's eligibility to stay in this place.

I pulled Y/N's hand and brought her to the rooftop. Fortunately it's only accessible to a number of people yet we have no choice but to endure the unforgiving temperature and different noises coming from the forest.

I turned around upon hearing Y/N's deep sigh of relief.

Her face is still red as if she's the one who has been caught doing naughty stuff.

"Keep it to yourself. It could become a problem if they realize you care too much."

"Will he try to hurt me?"

"Depends. That's why you better learn how to properly defend yourself. Who knows, if you succeed I might employ you as my personal bodyguard."

She giggled softly and I find that endearing.

"You honestly don't need one. You're pretty lean and way too tall to make the other person think twice before starting a fight."

She really has a way with words. A smile crept across my face.

"Are you trying to talk your way out of practice?"

"Not in a million years."

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