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A/N: I'm sorry I thought I already posted my draft but I lost it due to my bad internet connection. Thank you for your support.


After getting a haircut with the help of a colleague whom I usually get my hair done as well, I brought Y/N back to her room and the nurse was more than shocked to see the new look.

It was an advantage to me especially since in my opinion, it lessened her neck's burden tremendously.

She did give her consent to that extent, saying it's quite embarrassing to keep asking for a favor when she barely knows anyone in the building.

After bidding them goodbye, I went ahead to check on my team's progress in the Tyrant we're currently working on.

It was our first successful attempt and I needed to watch closely, help record any changes that could make or break the company's future.

Time passed by so quickly that I lost track till it was already past midnight.

I still paid Y/N a visit but unfortunately, she's deep into slumber and to accidentally wake her up will mess with her sleeping pattern.

The next day I promised to share breakfast with her everyday as an apology and two weeks have passed since then.

This would be the first day to honor my vow and everything is prepared at the balcony of my own bedroom to avoid new deliveries that will arrive all morning.

"Are you comfortable with this setup?"

Instead of answering, she expressed fascination on something else.

"Your bedroom is really huge."

I ran my gaze from corner to corner and thought it wasn't out of ordinary.

A wide bed with a lamp table and telephone sitting on it, an entertainment set on the opposite side, and a wooden desk located next to the window to work on when I need privacy.

"It's only spacious due to the lack of unnecessary furnitures."

She only hummed in response and attempted to move her wheelchair, in which she failed.

"Have you grown tired of me pushing you around?"

I looked down at the same time she raised her head up.

"No, but my intrusive thoughts won over."

She explained with a short giggle.

"You might want to unlock the wheels first."

"Ah right. I'll probably wait till I can reach that point without breaking my back."

I know she's trying to lighten up the mood, and I understand the frustration of having to rely on somebody else, however, I couldn't bring myself to laugh along.

It makes me feel unwanted.

All of a sudden, both of Y/N's warm and soft hands enveloped my left hand while I was about to hunker down.

"I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

I asked while unlocking her seat. She remained silent and kept staring on what I'm doing.

God damn it.

I sighed deeply.

"I'm not mad. But you shouldn't push your luck. I just got you back."

She finally smiled again and it made me forget why I was upset.

I rolled her to the table set by the balcony and put a white cloth over her lap.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. The doctor recommended that you can only eat soup for this week so I had someone prepare us a tomato soup."

"I can't express how much I am grateful to each and every one of you. There's so many nice people living here are you sure I'm not yet in heaven at this point?"

"Trust me, this place is far from heaven."

"Is that so? Should I fear for my life then?"

"Not if you're a good girl who will eat her vegetables without making a fuss."

She laughed. The contagious kind.

"Feed me please."

Spoon feeding her wasn't exactly included in my plan, however, my body just naturally moved the way it was till she reached halfway through the small bowl.

Everything went smoothly until she started coughing uncontrollably.

Y/N's face is as bright as what she ate so I had no choice but to caress her back to soothe the pain.

She buried her face into the cloth and when she took it off, some of it has been covered in red.

"C-can I have some water...?"

"Here, drink slowly."

It took her awhile to calm down so I had to bring her back to her room to get checked.

We were waiting at the elevator when it opened up and Hunk was standing right next to a delivery box.

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